Chapter 10

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Harry woke up the next day in his room

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Harry woke up the next day in his room. He looked around and saw a plate with 3 apples near in his bed. He smiled, he grab one and eat it. Then the door open and he saw Stella with Lou behind him.

Stella smiled at him but has a worried expression on her face. "You really make me worried do you know that?"

"I'm really sorry Stella, what just happen, did I pass out?"

"Yes! You're so reckless! Good thing Zayn saw you and carried you here when you fainted!" She said in a very concerned voice.

"Don't ever do that again, Harry."

He smiled at her and nodded. The door opens again and Harry got thrilled thinking it was Zayn, but it was Mr. Yaser. He was surprised. He walked towards him.

"How are you feeling now, Harry?" He asks him with his heavy voice.

"I'm feeling okay now.. "

Then his gaze shifted to Lou. "What's the verdict?"

"Nothing to worry about Mr. Yaser. His temperature is in normal state. Everything is totally okay." Lou answered immediately like he's talking to his superior.

Stella interrupted. "Will be waiting outside, Harry." She took a quick glance at him and nodded. Leaving him with Mr. Yaser in the room.

"Can you tell me what happened? Are you having an argument with Zayn?"He asked him. But senses his voice becoming softer.

"Y-yeah.. B-but we're okay now, it's just a nonsense argument.."

He looked at him, lifting his brow.
"This is the second time that he carried you." He chuckled.

He can feel his face is overheating.

Mr. Yaser grabs the chair close to his bed and set on it facing him.

"I know we started on the wrong foot. But I hope we can get along. I also want to be apart of my grandchild's future. "

Harry is very flattered and happy that he's very direct and having this conversation with him. It feels like something just got removed from his chest.

"Thank you, Mr. Yaser. This really means a lot to me." He said in a tearful eye.

He smiled at him. "Now, are you going to ask something from me that Zayn can't give you the answer? "

Harry was startled. He feels like the old man knows what's in his mind and just waiting for him to blurt it out. His voice was shaking, but he really wanted to know the truth. After he asks him, there was a short pause before he started to talk. He took a deep breath.

" Ahlee is my older son, he's a smart kid full of ambition and I see a lot of potential in him. And for that reason, I trained him to follow in my footsteps. When he turns 18, I let him come with me. We travel to a different countries for work porposes. I let him meet different clients. And when he turned 20, I let him manage half of our business. At first, it went well and I let him do what he wants. But then, rumors starting to circulate. That there is a huge drop of savings in the bank account. I ignore it.. Becuase I chose to ignore it.. Why would I mind it when there is only 2 person who has access to that account.. Me and Ahlee.." He clear his throat before he continues.

" He clear his throat before he continues

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"But.. Someone caught him doing transaction in the bank.. I try to save him from humiliation, but with that CCTV footage, it's hard to not believe it.. A lot of our clients pull back becuase of that, they said they could no longer trust our was a big blow to me.. I feel like I was betrayed by my own son.. And at that moment, I suddenly think of the person who always gave me advice and ideas.. That was Zayn.. I feel so stupid Harry, an irresponsible father.. I forgot I have 2 sons.. I left him alone.. " He looked at him with weeping eyes.

"Mr. Yaser, it's okay, you can stop--"

"No, I want you to know this so that you will know that Zayn is never been the bad guy or Ahlee.. It was me.. I created a monster in them.. "He took a deep breath and continue.

" I completely ignore him but Zayn never ask anything from me.. He becomes a success in his own hardwork. They went to American and become a successful artist. Together with his supportive girlfriend, Perrie Edwards. I call Zayn that day and told him what happened and I request him to let Ahlee stay with him while I'm trying to fix the problem of our business. But it was another wrong move of me.. Perrie and Ahlee had an affair.. And Perrie got pregnant.." He broke into tears. Harry wants to comfort the old man, but he's also in the same situation as him. He can totally feel his pain.

"Zayn was devastated about it so much that he refuses to eat for many days... Eventually, he becomes so sick.. Because of my ego and selfishness, I tried to talk to Perrie and Ahlee. And plan to let them marry, just to save our name in disgrace.. They agree to it, that time Zayn is under therapy for his ED. The day the wedding was held, Ahlee did not turn up. Perrie is very affected by it and after a month she committed suicide. She's 3 months pregnant."

They both in tears. Harry never expects to hear something like this. But most of all, seeing this man in front of him crying his heart out because of his sons in felicitous and him blaming himself for it. His heart drop.

He stood up and went over to him and grab his hand.

"Mr. Yaser, I will tell you now, I still love Ahlee and it will never change. But please, do not blame yourself for what happened. It has never been your fault, it's Ahlee's decision, and it will always be his. You've done your part as a father." Then Harry gives him a quick hug.

"Thank you, Harry. I'm not going to ask too much from you, but I hope you can get along with Zayn. He needs someone who he can trust again."

Harry smiled at him giving him an assurance. "I won't run away again, Mr. Yaser. And you can count me in for that."

"Zayn's business in America, what happened to it? "

"He quit and he sold his property there. Despite what happened, he still choose to go back here and help me with my business. He's the reason why the business went well again.. But he has already transformed into a different person. "

Harry can't help but feel a little bit proud of how strong he is to handle the situation. And still, choose to support and help his family's business.

After a long conversation. They went to the living area and took lunch together that day. But Zayn was not in the mansion. Mr. Yaser told him that he will be away for 3 days, for business porposes. Mr. Yaser went back to london the next day.

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