Chapter 24 (Mature+)

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It went days, and days came to weeks, weeks came to months and now it's been 2 months since he last seen and talked to Zayn

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It went days, and days came to weeks, weeks came to months and now it's been 2 months since he last seen and talked to Zayn. No calls, no text or whatsoever. He's starting to get paranoid on how much he misses him but he's trying his best not to get too depressed since he's been going 8 months of his pregnancy. Moving is a little bit harder now, and most of the time he needs some assistance with Stella. He's very thankful that she's there, helping him with everything. However, he knows she's missing Zayn too, but like him, she doesn't have any news about him. Not even her husband who's in the mansion. The last information that they had is that Zayn never came back to the mansion after he left.

He can't count how many times he tells himself not to lose hope and believe what Zayn told him. But bit by bit he is about to lose his grip.

It's 2 am in the morning, but he is still awake, holding the small black and white picture of his ultrasound. He can't stop smiling while looking at it. When the doctor gave it to him, and saw the small precious girl inside of him, he immediately shed tears. And was hoping that Zayn was with him at that moment.

As the time passed, his longing with him slowly faded and was change into frustration. Frustrated by his situation, he can't do anything. Aside from just waiting for him, he doesn't have any other information of what's going on with him. He imagine himself standing alone on an island, not knowing if someone is going to come and save him.

That day Harry decided to close the bakeshop early and go home. He took a quick bath and decided to watch tv while waiting for Stella to arrive from the groceries store nearby. He sat at the couch and lifted his foot to do a self massage. He's getting heavier each day, and his legs are swollen due to his increasing weight. A lot of things that he could no longer do on his own. But he never complained because he knew he had an angel inside of him. Everytime he misses Zayn, he will try to make conversation with her baby.

He turned off the tv and decided to just take a nap when he felt a slight sting again in his stomach. He's been noticing the slight pain this morning but he didn't mind it. He went to his room instead to lay down, before he could even open the door, another pain strike again, this time the pain was much stronger. The pain is getting increasingly noticeable now. He took a deep breath, trying not to panic. He took his phone and dial Stella's number, but the line is busy. He tried again twice, but still the same.


He took another deep breath, trying to ignore the pain and think about what needs to be done. Then he grabbed his bag that had his clothes in it. He already prepared some of his things as what Stella adviced. He decided to change his clothes since he's just wearing shorts, but he crouch when he felt the pain again. It's getting worse as the pain slowly moves to his lower back. He grab his phone again and dial Stella's number one more time, hands shaking.

He smile in relief when she answers the call. But before he can talk, Stella is already shouting his name with excitement.

"Harry! Good thing you call, I've got a good news for you!"

But he is in too much pain to give attention of her excitement. "S-stella where are you right now..?" his voice cracked.

"Harry are you okay?"

"I really don't know I--oh shit!"

"Harry? What's wrong? What's going on?"

There is a few seconds before he can get back to her.

"M-my water just broke.."


"I'm going to have my baby.."

"Calm down okay, I'll call an ambulance right now, stay there and wait for them. We'll meet you in the hospital."

He heard someone talking in the background, but before he could ask who it was, she already hung up the call.

Within just an hour he was already in the ambulance going to the hospital. He groaned everytime a contraction hit. But he tries to control the pain as much as he can by breathing deep methods.

When they arrived at the hospital, they immediately put him in the wheelchair and checked his blood pressure

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When they arrived at the hospital, they immediately put him in the wheelchair and checked his blood pressure. The doctor came and do another round of check up.

He can't stop rubbing his stomach like it will help ease the pain, but it really is not helping at all. He whimpers when he feels another painful contraction, this time both of his knees quiver in pain. Suddenly the face of Zayn flashes in his mind and tears glide in his cheeks, he really wishes he's there with him. He really needs him right now.


Then the 2 nurses moved him in the delivery room but he tried to talk to the doctor to wait for a bit since he was waiting for someone.

"Alright, we can give you 5 minutes after that, we will take you inside.."

He nodded. "Thank you.."

He grab his phone and tries to call Stella again but the line is busy. She texted her informing that he was already in the hospital and waiting for her. He immediately recieved a reply.

"We're almost there Harry!"

He scream and drop his phone when he feels the pain. The doctor examined him again, and shook his head.

"We really need to put you in the delivery room now Mr. Styles.." The doctor said.

He could no longer respond to him. His catching his breath, the pain could no longer be ignore in his system. When they enter the delivery room, his phone rings. He answered it for the last minute.

"Harry we're here, where are you?"

He immediately called the doctor to inform him.

"Okay,  stay there, I'll call them in the lobby." The doctor said. And he went to the door.

He nodded.

"Is someone here for Mr. Styles?" The doctor's voice can be heard in the entire lobby. But they didn't t hear anyone responded. He tried to call again.

"Mr. Harry Styles in delivery room, is some--"

Then Harry heard someone running towards the door.

"Yes! I'm here! I'm here for Mr. Styles!"

"Alright good, are you the husband?"


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