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"So, do you think that maybe the Professors would let me face the Boggart again?"
I whispered standing next to Malfoy we're now in Flying Class waiting patiently.

I don't listen to music quite as much as I used to. I've been in a better mood.

"I don't see why not. Mind if I join? Encase you get too scared?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Alright class. Here are your grades!" I looked at my grade.

"What!? ONE POINT!" I sighed loudly disappointed in myself.

"Huh?" The grin from Malfoy dropped.

"I was one point away from going to my 5th year with you and Fred..." I sat down defeated.

"It's okay, maybe they'll bump you up next year? At least you still passed the class!" He grinned.

"It's whatever. After lunch we'll go see if we can face the Boggart again. I never got a chance to." I shrugged slowly making my way to the lunch room splitting off from everyone. By the time I got there and sat down, there was a crowd of people around me.

"Are you really going back to face the Boggart again?" They looked amazed.

"What?" I looked shocked.

It was like that the whole lunch. Until finally I ran into the classroom slamming the door behind me. That's when I saw them.

"What the hell!?" I growled.

"We came to support you facing your fear." Twila smiled.

"MALFOY!" I growled...

"Uhm. Her eyes are red." Hannah said shyly.

"Hey. We won't tell anyone what happens in this room okay?" Fred placed his hand on my shoulder looking down at me.

"Fine. Let's do it already." I stepped forward and the teacher unlocked the door. Out walked me. Standing there my sleeves rolled up, a wand in my hand. On my arm was The Dark Mark. Everyone looked in shock as my entire eyes balls were red.

My eyes turned bright light blue. They all stood in shock not sure what to do.

"Yourself...You're scared of yourself?" Twila looked shocked.

"No. She's scared of what she could become. Based on her blood line obviously. Look at the dark mark on her arm." Hannah said .

"You can do it. You're not her." Malfoy touched his pinky to mine slightly. Fred's hand was on my shoulder.

"Lighten up." Twila said.

"Riddikulus!" I held my wand out and it turned into what people would call a 'Normal girl.' Hair all done, wearing a white dress. The mark is gone, and I was a girl. It was only there for a second as a smile barely started on my face. But the Boggart was thrown back into its closet before I could laugh, before anyone saw.

"That was funny to you?"

"Yeah." I shrugged my shoulders leaving the room.

"Don't bother following Malfoy." I growled. I can't believe he told them... Fred rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. I felt his hand on my shoulder as he walked with me.

"He was just trying to help support you. You can't hold that against him."

"You don't think I know that?" I frowned. "I just need to cool off. So unless you're Twila or Hannah just leave me be."

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