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So, the last few months of my fourth year was basically filled with classes, pranks, and heartache which Freddie was always trying to help with. Along with Hannah. Every time I see Scorpius. I just. Want to kill myself. I wish it would've worked... but it didn't. It's for sure going to take a while before I'm able to move on.

I'm just happy he's willing to work this out as friends ya know? At least I didn't lose him completely. His Dad and Harry write me all the time now. (Yes Draco knows we are no longer together.) He's just trying to help us through the struggles right now. That and I told him about the bullying. And exactly how bad it's been. I'm getting really tired of being drug across the halls by Freddie's fireworks from his Dad's shop.

Draco threatened to come in but I told him it's no use. Not to worry about it. I'll find another way to handle it. Without going all crazy on them. Freddie wants to play a prank but. I don't. Doesn't feel right. Retaliating just isn't me.

I've held on to this blank paper looking at it every night trying to figure out what the hell it is. What it means? But I guess I'll find out soon enough. Every night I've also had my best friend by my side, and I'm extremely grateful.
For every single one of them. More than they could possibly know.

Now. I just need to find something to keep myself busy. Maybe, I should take some other classes or something...

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