The Dinner

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"Freddie! She's beautiful!" Molly came over squeezing me tight, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"T-Thank you." I stuttered. I felt my face blushing.

"Oh! Where are my manners! I'm..." I interrupted her smiling big.

"Molly Weasley. Freddie's grandmum." I smiled.

"She already knows all about us Mum. She's been doing her research." George laughed shaking my hand.

"Freddie has talked a lot about you." Percy laughed.

"He has huh?" I looked over grinning at him as he seemed to be further away. I mean. I was now getting swarmed by Weasleys. He blushed rubbing the back of his head.

"He's real mad about those students giving you a hard time at school. Bill laughed.

"Right, well they don't bother me none. Not until they get my friends involved of course."

"Yeah, then she disappears for a few months." Albus crossed his arms looking at me annoyed.

"Yeah. Did the bullying stop?" I asked looking at him and Fred.

"Yes. It  did." Fred added.

"Anyway, let's sit down and eat. The food is getting cold." Angelina said.

I sat down in between Albus and Fred. Loud laughs, and voices filled the room along with the sound of dishes clanging together. Albus leaned over to me.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Is this what having a family feels like?" I whispered.

"Yes." He smiled back at me.

"So, Celestial. I heard you play Quidditch now?" Harry asked from across the table.

"Oh, yes. I'm the Beater." I grinned.

"How many games have your house won?"

"Oh. About six I believe." I said awkwardly.

"You must play hard." Bill was looking at my arms.

I out of habit went to pull my sleeves down realizing I didn't have long sleeves. Fred noticed me trying to figure out something to do with my arms.

"Uhm. Yeah." I swallowed hard before answering. "I really do."  I gave up dropping my arms onto my lap.

"She's really learned a lot about the game. I'd like to take credit for that!" He laughed. I felt him running his hand down my arm and placing his hand in mine. I was grasping his hand with both of mine getting nervous now. Squeezing trying to stay calm.

"Really now?" Arthur looked at me.

"He should. During the matches I never quite understood what he was shouting about. So, I learned the terms and more about the game so I could understand." I laughed.

"I like your necklace." Hermione smiled. "Where'd you get it?"

"Oh." I raised my hand touching the bottle smiling feeling a slight bit of disappointment. "It was a gift from Scorpius. My other necklace had broken, and he felt bad. Made me a new one."

"Scorpius Malfoy?" Ron nearly laughed choking.

"Yes. Scorpius Malfoy. A dear friend of mine." I said getting a little defensive. Hermione obviously stepped on his foot. Ron's face in pain.

"Well, it is lovely."  Hermione said.

"Thank you." I said trying not to laugh.

"You know what we should do?" Fred looked at me as I looked at him a little nervous.

"What....?" I asked slowly.

He shot up from the table as George grinned happily following his son. We all looked confused as I heard noises coming from the living room.

"What are they up to?" Molly whispered to Angelina.

"Your guess is as good as mine." She laughed.

"Great minds think a like." Arthur laughed.

That's when George came over holding his hand out for his wife, music playing in the background. Fred was standing for me as I watched his Mother take his Father's hand. Followed by Arthur and Molly, Harry, and Ginny...All of them one by one.

"Well? Shall we darling?" (Celestial Hears Voices: Your soulmate would like a dance.)

I tried to hide the shock from my face when I realized at that moment Fred was my soulmate. I took his hand awkwardly as he took me into the living room. All the furniture was moved around and we were all dancing. Fred spun me in a circle as I began to laugh not really sure how to handle this all. He finally pulled me in close, and whispered in my ear.

"Why did you try to hide your arms from Bill?" I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I was scared...Scared they'd ask about it." My arms wrapped around his neck. His face buried in mine. I whispered back to him hugging him tight. It would've been even more difficult if I wasn't wearing my high heels.

"Don't be. Here. You're family. And they like to make sure everyone is okay. Especially, since the war." He sighed.

"Freddie..." I said after a moment of silence. It was like no one else existed but us.

"Yes Darling?" He whispered.

"Do you think I'll ever know who my parents are?" I sighed.

"We won't stop looking until you do. I promise." I felt his hot breath on my neck. Everything about him is so comforting. The song ended and I pulled away looking up at him smiling gently.

"We?" I felt the slight grin on my face.

"We." He shrugged as a more up beat song came on. I looked at him happily. Everyone seemed to be confused.

"Oh! How!" I cheered.

"I did a little studying. Said that this song was used for the majority of muggle, American functions. Was I wrong?"

"NO! Right on point!" I said pulling him and Albus in teaching them how to do the dance. (The Cha Cha Slide is playing in the background.)

Along came the others following my lead. Finally we hit my FAVORITE part of the song! (How low can you go?) I sunk my legs closer and closer to the ground. (Can you go down low?) Finally I was dropped to my knees. Mind you I'm still wearing my heels. (All the way to the floor?)  I began leaning backwards as everyone was looking at me shocked. Not thinking I could do this apparently. (How low can you go?) Finally, I laid back on the floor with my legs folded behind me. Don't worry. I always put shorts under my dress as well. Nothing was showing!

By the time I came back up off of the floor Fred was standing there in shock. Just staring at me. Albus was shocked as well. But, he...kinda expected it more or less.

"Haah! Sweety, I'm too old for all that." Molly laughed.

"I think you just broke my son!" George laughed. "But, on that note. Let's talk a bit huh?" He had his arm around me as I looked away from the shocked Fred.

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