Found It!

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After months and months of researching. I'll admit it. I've finally found out what that night on the tower meant.

"Scorpius! I ran over to him excitedly. I ran straight past Albus and Fred.

"What!?" He seemed to be preparing for impact but I just sat next to him.

"The moon..." I held my charm in my hand. I looked at my hand and up to meet his eyes.

"Okay? What about it?" He looked confused.

"My Father's ashes are in here. Whoever gave me this. Knows who my Father is. But...I can't remember who gave it to me." I sighed lying my head in his shoulders.

"Celestial could we talk for a minute?" Albus came up rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm a little busy..." I rubbed the back of my head.

"No. Now!" Hannah came over yelling in a whisper with her arms crossed. Fred followed.

"Fine. But whatever you have to say you can say in front of him." I gestured towards Scorpius.

"Fine. Out in the halls now." Fred muttered.

I grabbed Scorpius's hand knowing damn well this isn't going to end well.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Hannah asked. They were all starring me down.

"What?" I scoffed.

"You've hardly talked to us in months, and on top of that look at how you're dressing. I mean pink and tans?" Fred looked genuinely concerned.

"Listen...Guys. Nothings wrong okay?" I sighed.

"No. I get it. Now that you have big shot Malfoy over here you don't want any of us around. Because we're not good enough right?" Albus growled.

"Uhm. What?" I felt my eyes change colors.

"You're too good for us now. We should've listened to the rumors. You're nothing but a fucking traitor!" Albus came over getting in my face.

"Watch your mouth!" Scorpius stood behind me gripping my shoulders tight.

"What are you gonna do!? Call your Dad for help!? I'm not scared of him! You're a coward just like him. You're not gonna do a thing!" He growled.

"Albus..." I heard Fred whisper.

"If we're that much of a fucking inconvenience why waste you're time at all!? I get it! You're just upset because fucking Severus Abandoned you to make sure my Father lived!" At that Scorpius pushed me over on the floor and went for Albus. They got into a huge fist fight.

Fred and Hannah came over holding me tight. Whispering saying they didn't want it to go this far.

When I fell my hand was caught in my necklace and it broke. Moon and all. The ashes were all on the ground.

"FUCKING STOP!" Fred stood up screaming. Both boys turned in shock.

"Celestial...I." Scorpius stuttered.

As I cried hugging Fred, I pulled my shit together.

"Tell me guys. Have you been bullied since I quit talking to you?" I looked up with the broken necklace in my hand some ashes lying in it as well.

"You're eyes. looks like the whites are turning red." Hannah took a step back.

"You're...wearing contacts?" Fred asked.

"Are you scared of me!? Are you serious!?" I took off my sweater revealing a pink button up shirt. I dropped the necklace and ashes pulling up my sleeves for the first time my entire life.

I held my arm out, and revealed my Dark Mark. I left a grin as my eyes were almost fully red. I could tell because there was a red tint forming around the edge of my sight.

I watched as Scorpius walked towards Hannah. The body language. He's protecting her...from me... Albus didn't move not sure what to do, and everything fell silent. Movement caught my eye as Fred took a step forward reaching for me.

"May I ask what is going on here?" I turned around...Harry?

"Can we talk Celestial?" He grinned small.

I dropped to my knees and began crying hysterically. My eyes flashing colors.  Harry came over and hugged me.

I chocked out the words "He can have Hannah...I don't need a man."

"What did she say?" Scorpius asked confused.

"I believe you're single again." Albus chocked. I pushed away from Harry.

I picked up a piece of paper off the ground.
"I'll figure it out on my own." I started walking down the hall when Fred grabbed my arm.

"I won't let you. Hannah and I just wanted to talk. We didn't want to fight. Please."

"We'll all talk. But not now." I yanked my arm free and followed Harry.

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