First Class Show Off

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"Miss Snape, since you like having those things in your ears the entire class. Please, tell me how you learned anything. Especially, with your wand not being in sight?" He said annoyed slapping the table with a ruler.

I rolled my eyes pulling out my wand. It is Holly wood with a Unicorn hair core.

"Incendio"(In CEN DEE O) Fire came from my wand immediately. I kept casting a few other spells to prove my point. Even ones we didn't learn today.

"Obliviate."(O bliv eate) I wiped a notebook clean, it erased all the memories written inside.

"Diffindo"(Deef in doe) That same notebook, was sliced in half. "I'm just waiting sir for the things I don't already know." I shrugged not looking up from my notebooks.

"You were taught well Celestial." He nodded.

"I had to have been taught well Mr. Flitwick." I said putting my wand away.

"Well. Does anyone have any questions?" A boy raised his hand. He looked really shy, and he was struggling through out the whole class.

"Yes Longbottom?"

"It was actually a question for Celestial if that's okay?" He looked over awkwardly.

" Sure..."He sighed. I looked up glancing at him. He looked to be scared of me.

"I was wondering what that is sticking out of your pocket?" I looked down and saw some human, American currency sticking out of my pocket.

"Oh. This is what the humans in America use to buy things. This one is worth 20 dollars. One Galleon in American money equals $6.64. I would say that about 3 Galleons equal this one bill." I said as they all gathered around, I now had it in my hand.

"What's a Human?" A girl asked.

"It's what the muggles refer to themselves as." I shrugged as they passed around the bill.

"There's also 1 dollars, 2 dollars, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 50 dollars, and 100dollars. Each in their own bill."

"Cool! How many Galleons are in a 100!?" Someone asked.

"I would say about 15. Give or take." I shrugged.

"Do Muggles have any round money?" They asked.

"Oh yeah. There are Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters. There's also the 50 cent piece, and dollar coin. The last two of those aren't that common though. Neither are the 2 dollar bills I talked about earlier." I looked around as they all seemed to enjoy learning about these things.

"You guys really know nothing about the muggles do you?" I asked them confused. I think I even had Mr. Flitwick's attention.

"No. The only Wizards and Witches that know are the ones in the Ministry of  Magic." The Longbottom boy commented.


"As much as I hate to interrupt. But, Longbottom I need you to take Celestial here to get a new uniform please. Show her where the Headmaster is. The rest of you off to your next class!"

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