Truth or Dare

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Hannah and I made our way to the common room, and into our dorms. Twila and the boys!? We're in the room waiting.

"What are you guys doing here?" I looked shocked. My hair was a mess and I was exhausted.

"Well. We learned something pretty cool in potions today." He grinned.

Albus held out a vile of Veritaserum.

"I don't know guys..."

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun!" I grinned.

"Well. You have fun. I'm going to bed. DONT GET CAUGHT FOR YOU THREE BOYS BEING HERE." Twila growled.

"I've done it before. I can do it again." Fred winked at me. Scorpius didn't seem to like that.

"What is he talking about?" Scorpius asked.

"Nothing. He just likes to hide around and play pranks." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, how about Truth or Dare!? With the serum?" I grinned.

"Are you playing Hannah?" I asked.

"Uhm. No. I don't think so."

"Why the heck not?" I asked.

"Come on, can't leave your bestie hanging!" Fred grinned.

Hannah slumped down next to Fred as I sat next to Scorpius and Albus.

"OH! Hold on!" I said looking at Scorpius who now had the Veritaserum. I ran over to a table and grabbed five cups.

"Here. It'll be easier that way." I placed them on the table as he began pouring it.

I took my cup.

"Thank you!" I grinned as everyone else grabbed their's as well.

"Well. Here's to telling the truth!" I raised my cup and we cheered drinking it. We placed our glasses down and looked around the room.

"Did it work?" Hannah asked.

"Let's find out. I'll go first." Scorpius grinned at Fred.

"Fred. Truth or Dare?" He grinned.

"Truth." Fred and Scorpius both had the cockiest grin on their face.

"Is it true? You're hearing your soulmate's voice? And music?" He asked. Man he jumped in pretty quick didn't he?

"Yeah! How'd you find out!?" He was shocked.

"Rumors Weasley." He shrugged.

"Fine. Truth or dare Malfoy." He growled. (Damn this got heated quick.)

"Dare I suppose." He shrugged winking at me.

"Fine. I dare you to tell the truth about last summer with you and Hannah." Fred grinned. I looked between Hannah and Scorpius nervously. And shocked.

"Simple really. Hooked up. Agreed to never speak of it." He shrugged. Hannah had her hand over her mouth.

"How'd you find out about that!? Celestial it was nothing." He sighed looking at me desperately.

"Rumors." he grinned.

"Hannah. I didn't know." I looked at her worried.

"It's okay. Was just a hook up. We're over that." She rubbed her arm awkwardly. "im happy for you two." she smiled happily.

"Thank you." I smiled happily. "alright my turn!"

""This is for Freddie and Scorpius. I dare you guys to be nice to each other for a whole week!"
I crossed my arms eyeing them both up.

"What!? No way!" Scorpius growled at Freddie. Puttingbl his arm around me leaning back on the couch.

"Why? Are you scared?" Freddie teased.

"Absolutely not. Just don't think you're worth it Weasley." he laughed.

"Are you shitting me?" I looked over at Malfoy in disbelief.

"What? Aren't I entitled to my opinion?" He shrugged.

"NOT IF ITS THAT! Freddie and Hannah are my best friends, and I think they're worth it! So, you'll treat them with respect. They will also treat you with respect or you all can just forget about me together." I growled standing up walking away into my dorm. "Game over. Hannah wins." I growled.

I laid on my bed and after a little while Scorpius came in. I was lying on my left side. With my ear buds in.

"Mind if I ly here a while?"  I faintly heard through the music.

"You shouldn't be in here. You'll get caught. " I mumbled.

"Right. Well. I just. Had a question before I left then." he said.

"What?" I sighed rolling over looking at him. The sight of him almost made me forgive him. Almost.

"Do you really like me? Believe I'm different then what everyone else thinks?" The little bit of light there was from the moon his the side of his face.

"Yeah. I do. You're Dad had it rough. I'm sure he's not always the nicest person to deal with. I'm sure it was hard. Not to mention the countless of times you've tried to save my ass when I'm getting bullied." I sat up now. Next to him.

"Yeah? You like when I stand up for you?" he grinned as he stood up then leaning over the bed in my face. I felt my cheeks warm turning a bright pink.

"Maybe a little." I grinned not taking my eyes off him.

"What yea listening to?" He picked up an earbud putting in it.
(Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful. I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight.)

He looked up giving me that cocky look he always wears.
"Ooo. Grey." his cocky look turned sweet as I laughed small, as he gave me a gentle kiss.

"If us getting along means that much to you. We'll try our best. Meet me tomorrow night at the Astronomy tower."  I grabbed his sleeve yanking him down into the bed with me.

"Thank you." I whispered. As we faced each other lying on the bed.

"I thought you said we'd get caught?" He laughed.

"Just a little while won't hurt..." I curled up in a ball in his arms.

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