The Library

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I sat at a table alone after my classes. That key was bothering me so bad. Where have I seen it before? I must of made it obvious I was stressing out.

"There you are! I've been wanting to try out a new..." He paused.

"Whats going on?" he kneeled next to me as I looked to the side.

"Nothing. I just. I can't remember where I've seen this object before. It's been weeks." I gripped my necklace. I began to shake, and I couldn't breathe.

"You mean this key right?" Albus asked walking in. I looked up my hair a mess.

"Yes! Yes! How'd you get it!?" I gasped. I stood up nearly knocking Fred over.

"Its not that hard to get past Hagrid. I also found this book that had the same design." I grabbed both items shocked.

"Well, I just. Had this big elaborate plan and ended up seeing it ly on the table. So. I grabbed it." he shrugged.

"Thank you!"

"So? That's what's bothering you?" Fred asked.

"Yes. I want to know what this key goes to." I sighed. Fred went to open the book and it wouldn't.

"Quit being dramatic." I rolled my eyes opening it no problem. The key was sunk into the book. When it opened there was a small hollowed out shape inside was another key. This one on a keyring. The page said 'The Half Blood Prince." I pulled the key out. I had to get answers right away.

"Hagrid won't tell me...." I sighed.

"Half blood prince huh? Maybe my Dad will know ill send him an owl."


"Because my Dad found a book once with that written in it too. Had something to do with Severus." He said.

"Please let me know if he answers!" I begged.

"Of course. Not completely useless after all huh?" He smirked.  He almost seemed to be annoyed.

"What are you talking about?" I was confused.

"Nothing. Just saying." He shrugged leaving.

"Did that seem weird to you?" She looked confused, at Fred.

"Yeah. A little."

"Well, I've got to go meet Malfoy. We're supposed to get our grades for Flying Class today." I said rubbing my arm nervously.

"Okay. Can I come with?" He smiled.

"No offense Fred. But it'd be nice just the two of us for a change." I felt bad. But he's always with me. And the two of them always fight.

"Oh. Sure. I get it! Just let me know if Malfoy needs his trap shut." He grinned.

"Of course." I rolled my eyes holding my book and keys close.

As I was walking through the corridors I saw Twila hanging all over Malfoy.

"Listen. I don't know what you're hearing but it's wrong. If it's bothering you that much talk to her about it." He shrugged.

"I know you know why her eyes change colors." She growled.

"Listen. All I know. Is what she wants me to know, and all you'll know. Is what she wants you to know. Got it?" He growled at her. I walked over now that the conversation has died down some.

"Hey guys." I waved awkwardly.

"Bloody Hell! You scared me!" Malfoy jumped.

"Sorry..." I rubbed my arm glancing at him for only a moment.

"Ready to see our grades?" He was obviously looking at my eyes.

" Sure am. I owe you a lot of thanks." I nodded.

"It wasn't a problem! Hopefully you'll move up into the 5th year with us!" He grinned placing his arm around me holding my shoulder.

"Hopefully..." I watched him grin as he walked me away from Twila.

He leaned into my ear and whispered.

"Jealous today are we??? Pastel Lavender eyes." I could feel the smirk from his breath.

"Not at all. Nothing to be jealous of." I said as a boy near by tripped me. Both Malfoy and I fell. Hannah came running over as everyone was laughing. Malfoy stood up pulling out his wand.

"Leave her alone!" With one wave of his wand the boy was sent flying backwards. The boy pulled out his wand and I jumped up in front of Malfoy standing as still as a rock. The spell just. Disappeared and didn't effect anyone what so ever.

I held on to Malfoy as my ankle was sore from the kick to the leg.

"You should tell McGonagall... it's getting worse..." Hannah said looking at me concerned.

"What rumors did Twila hear about me Malfoy?"

He looked shocked.

"You heard about that?"


"Well, there are a few rumors. The main one is you're some kind of Devil being. That works for You know who."

"You mean Voldemort?" I looked at him disappointed he didn't say his name.

"Yeah. Him. And also, rumors about you talking bad about Albus and his Father. Upset because Severus Ditched you for Harry's life." He rubbed the back of his head.

"What!? That's ridiculous! I love Albus and Harry they've done nothing but be kind to me!" I growled furious.

"Let's just get to class. We all know the truth. That's what matters." He grinned as we parted ways with Hannah.

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