Try Outs

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After classes I was getting ready for try outs for the Quidditch team. I pulled my long Grey hair up into a high ponytail. I lined my eyes with black liner, also putting on mascara. Makeup isn't all that common here. Another reason for me to stand out I suppose. I put on a pair of black shorts, and a sports tank top. My short socks, and tall boots. I put a headband on and of course I was wearing my necklace. I walked out broom in my hand ready to win. I watched as Scorpius made his way over to me shook.

"Hey. You're trying out?" He rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah. You said I should do something. So, I'm taking your advice."

"I said. You should join the choir. Not put yourself in danger." He locked eyes with me as I felt myself melting.

"I'm in danger just by being here at Hogwarts. That has been proven many times. I think I can handle myself." I sighed disappointed.

"Don't listen to him. He's just worried you'll beat him." Hannah came up to me looping her arm around mine. I smiled happily realizing she was embracing her pregnancy. No longer trying to hide it. She was even holding her stomach.

"Nah. I think he's just upset I have someone else to show off for now." I grinned at her.

"You. You're with someone else?" Scorpius asked.

"Haha. No. No." I cut Hannah off.

"You don't... have to tell him if you're not ready."

"It's fine Celestial." She looked over at him.

"I'm pregnant." She smiled.

The shock in his face left him speechless. He wanted to be happy but, was also confused.

"Uhm. Congrats?" He swallowed hard. He obviously was uncomfortable.

"Thank you! Celestial is gonna make a GREAT GOD MOTHER!" She sprung it on me right then and there.

"For real!?" I hugged her happily not wanting to let go. As Fred and Albus made their way over.

"What are we hugging about!? Why am I not involved!?" Fred frowned.

"I'm gonna be a God Mother!" I cheered wrapping my arms around Fred happily.

"I wanna be a God Father..." Albus sighed.

"Hahha. I haven't decided that far yet." Hannah laughed placing her hand on his shoulder.

"So, it's possible!?" He grinned.

"It's possible." She laughed. That's when I heard voices. I began looking around confused.

(Celestial Hears Voices: Your soulmate is right by you.) I was confused as I took a look at my group of friends. Where are these voices coming from? Wait. Didn't Scorpius ask Fred about hearing voices? It was probably nothing. I shouldn't get too into this.

"Alright students! Gather round!" Even Hagrid came to watch try outs today. How sweet.

So. After long hours of training for different spots on the team I managed to get myself a beater position. None of the other Hufflepuffs likes the idea. Probably because since I've come here only four people have trusted me. Now they had no choice but to trust me.

(Fred's POV)

"Listen. Let's talk." I approached Scorpius.

"About what?" He looked me up and down crossing his arms, with his groupies behind him.

"Celestial." (Fred hears voices: Your soulmate made the team.)

"I'll meet up with you later." He shooed them away.

"What?" He turned back towards me.

"Why did you break things off with her?" 

"She's your soulmate Weasley."

"How did you?"  I was shocked.

"Hugo." He shrugged.

"Of course. He believes it's real. And so do I." He shrugged.

"Has she heard voices? Or said that?" Fred asked.

"No actually. It's by how she acts around you compared to me. She was never nervous, and always wanted me to like you. Hated it that I didn't. Don't worry. I didn't tell her anything. It's all going to be genuine. I hope you're happy. You hurt her I'll kill you I promise." He shoved me back, and left.

(Clesetial's POV)
I watched as Scorpius shoved Fred back walking past him joining his group of friends.

"What happened?" I grabbed Fred's dirty uniform making sure he didn't do anything stupid. I looked up his eyes meeting mine.

"Nothing. Just some Quidditch rivalry." He laughed.

"Of course. But you better start including me in that. You're looking at the new Beater for Hufflepuffs!" I smiled happily.

"For real!?" He hugged me happily as he then picked grass from my hair.

"Give me a sec. I gotta tell him something." I smiled big.

"Scorpius!" I grabbed his arm grinning.

"Uhm. Hey." He was caught off guard.

"Thank you! Without you helping me get over my fears...I wouldn't of made it on the team. I think...this might be a new pathway for me to cope. Less dangerous than my last method." I shrugged. SHIT DIDNT MEAN TO LET THAT SLIP OUT!

I watched his glance turn into worry as he looked at Fred.

"You're welcome. What the hell did you mean less dangerous?" He asked yanking my arm hard as I was trying to distance myself.

That's when Fred, Hannah, and Albus came over.

"It's nothing..." I sighed trying to pull back. He threw me into Fred as he held onto me. He spun me around to face him.

"What's wrong?" Hannah asked.

"She said Quidditch was less dangerous than her last coping mechanism." He growled.

" Celestial..." Fred was holding my shoulders tight as he kneeled on the ground pulling me down with him.

"It's nothing! It was stupid for me to say!" I said pulling my hand up pointed it at Fred and he was pushed backwards off of me. Not hard just far enough for me to get away.

"I'll get her." Hannah was following me as Scorpius helped Fred up.

Hannah caught up with me.

"Geez. Couldn't walk any slower for the pregnant teen could you?" She was out of breath.

"I'm sorry..." I sighed turning around to wait for Hannah. I felt bad.

"What did you mean?" We were leaning over the bridge.

"I...I'm sorry. I don't do it like I used to Hannah I've gotten better. I didn't mean for it to slip out..." I sighed.

"You cut yourself don't you?" She sighed sadly.


"Where?" She sighed.

"Anywhere possible." I shrugged.

"We all still love you. You know that?"

"I know that. Just. Wish you didn't." I laughed. "Would make life a lot easier. And a lot shorter."

"If you need help with anything let me know."

"If you need help let me know." I laughed pointing at the baby.

"Of course..." she grinned happily. "I couldn't imagine you without the baby." She laughed.

"You're amazing." I smiled.

"So are you. I say we go have a girls day huh?" She smiled.

"I'd love that!" We looped arms and went off to our little adventure.

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