The Uniform

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I wondered from the main room back into a separate one. There were bunkbeds with horribly ugly drapes on them, and a bunch of plants throughout the rooms. I like what they were aiming for though. Maybe, I'll change it later?

"Oh! There you are! I tried to find you but got separated!" Hannah said waving me down.

"So, how do we get in the common room?" I asked.

"Oh! We knock in a rhythm." She smiled.

"Thanks. So... You guys really wear these all year?" I asked holding up my uniform.

"Yeah, it's been like this for ages." She shrugged.

"Right...well, I'm going to make a few changes. Where's my room?" I asked.

"Well, we share rooms. You'll share with me and Twila, right here." She grinned. "But, I don't think it's a good idea to be changing the uniforms." She shied away. I've yet to meet Twila. But, I like her name.

"They can't stop me." I hid behind a curtain changing quickly.

"Seriously, I don't think McGonagall will approve." She said now beginning to get nervous.

I stepped out from behind the curtains, and stood in front of her wearing the uniform. It was n old sweater with a tie (which I didn't tie) and a cape.

"Oh. You didn't do too much good..."

"Oh no...Watch this." I said placing my earbuds back in. I cranked my music up all the way, and closed my eyes. Silver sparks rose from the ground, covering me until finally, my outfit was changed.

Music plays ( I ain't no size two but I can shake it, shake it. Like I'm supposed to do...)(Meghan Trainor)

"Woah...It looks amazing! But, I don't think McGonagall is going to approve." She said.

"I'm not here to get approval Hannah. I had all the approval needed." So, I now walked into my first class with my head held high. Everyone was staring as they saw my black, light weight pants that had dark yellow strips of lace running up to my knee on the sides. I had a long sleeve button up corset, that draped a cape in place of my robe. Around my neck I had a yellow lanyard with a single key on it, along with my necklace.

"Miss Snape." I heard a teacher ask as I entered the room. I ignored them, and sat in a seat.

"Miss Snape!" They said once more. So, I looked up taking out one earbud. I felt all eyes on me.

"Yes, Mr. Flitwick?" I asked.

"Have they not given you your house uniform yet?" He asked, as they all felt uncomfortable.

"Yes sir. I'm wearing my uniform. I just made a few minor tweaks to it so it would be more comfortable and personal to me." I said.

"I don't think Headmaster McGonagall would like you changing the outfits." He said as students began to whisper.

"She didn't say anything against it. All she said was I had to wear the uniform given, and it's on. Just, updated to the current time period is all." I shrugged my shoulder putting my earbud in opening my notebooks.

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