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Before we knew it Fred and I had to get off the train. Our stop. I hugged Malfoy goodbye and waved to Hannah and Twila. Fred put on his cloak.  We wondered in front of the house as I looked at it Fred took off his cloak holding it now.

"What do you think?" He asked me.

"It reminds me of...me." I shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"Dark, and ugly." I sighed putting the key in the door.

"Stop that right now." He laughed as we walked in.

"Whatever." I shrugged and I followed the hall. It was clean? Not a single bit of dust. Not even a cob web.

"It's oddly clean isn't it Fred?"

"Very." He started looking at paintings on the wall. There weren't many of them.

"My God. Fred look at all these books." I called him in the next room. There was a fireplace and a chair.

"Think one of them will give you answers?" He asked looking around amazed.

"They have to right?" I sat my stuff down and so did Fred.

"I'm hungry." Fred wined.

"Well. How much do you wanna bet McGonagall was the one that cleaned up. So I bet you there's food here somewhere." I said following another narrow hall to the Kitchen.

Fred opened the fridge happily.

"Hey! Look at the pictures Celest. Is this you???" He started shoving fruit in his face. His mouth was full, and he was starring at the fridge.

"Oh my god..." I grabbed them all up before he could look at anymore.

"How old were you there?" He asked.

"Ten. How did he get pictures of me when I was in America?" I looked over confused.

"I'm not sure." Fred was confused.

"Can owls travel to America like that?" He added.

"That'd be one determined owl Fred." I rolled my eyes.

"So no?" He laughed.

"No Fred."  I started walking back to the living area.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" He was confused.

"Nah. I'm not hungry. I wanna look at these books." I said as I made my way to the chair.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"Well. I mean my parents could've walked right where we walked, stood where I'm standing." I sighed.

"After some research can we just...have a Christmas Celest?" He asked.

"Uhm. Sure Fred. But I haven't gotten any gifts to give."

"Of course you do! You let me stay here instead of Hogwarts alone!" He grinned big.

"Okay...I've don't remember ever celebrating Christmas. This will be my first." I shrugged.

"Well, it'll be the best one too!" He grinned. Then it slightly faded.

"What's wrong?" I was shocked. Haven't seen Fred not smile before.

"Just thinking...we don't have any lights or anything. There's no way it's gonna be like a normal Christmas."

"Fred. It sounds to me that you're the one missing Christmas." I said feeling bad.

"Heh. I'll be okay. I just want it to be perfect for you! I'll figure something out!" He grinned as he picked a book.

"Let's research." He grinned big. I shook my head sitting down across from Fred in the chair.

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