Fifth Year

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It's my Fifth year, and I've got a few things planned. One. Try out for Quidditch. Two. Tell my friends my suspicions about Twila. Three. Talk to Freddie's Dad about this paper.

I sat down with Hannah and she seemed to be quiet, and timid.

"Hannah are you okay?" I asked looking at her worried. She was wearing an oversized sweater.

"hm. Oh. Yeah." she didn't ride the train. I wonder how she got here?

"Yeah...Right...We'll talk about this later." We were waiting for them to finish sorting the first years.

"SLYTHERIN!" I watched the kid walk over to the table where I saw Scorpius laughing and having a good time with his friends.

Apparently, I was looking at him the whole time...Oops.  I only know this because Albus came up to me.

"Hey!" He bumped into me to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh. Sorry. How you two been?" I smiled.

"Go say hi." Fred rolled his eyes.

"Hm...I don't want to be a bother. Where are the new Hufflepuffs?" I looked around.

"Right there." Fred nodded.

"Hm. Wonder how many of them are gonna hate me?" I rolled my eyes.

"None if we can help it." Twila smiled.

"Thanks." I grinned.

"So...I've been thinking... Quidditch." I looked at Albus and Fred.

"For real?" Albus was confused.

"Yeah. I'm bored. And I could really use a way to start dealing with things." I shrugged.

"I can't WAIT to see that!" They both grinned.

"Haha. You mean you can't wait to see me kick ass?" I laughed. "I mean. I did have a good teacher. After all. If it wasn't for him. I wouldn't even know how to fly a broom stick." I looked over at Scorpius sighing with a slight grin.

"Go talk to him." Fred sighed again.

"I will...just. Not yet." I smiled big looking at them both. We finally made our way to the common rooms Hannah began crying.

"Hannah!" I sat next to her sadly.


"Oh...Hannah. You won't be alone. You got me always." I smiled at her moving her hair from her face.

"Who was it?" Twila asked.

"Some muggle boy. You wouldn't know him..." she was wiping her tears only for more to fall.

"How far along are you?" I asked.

"3 months..." she sighed.

"You're showing that much already!?" Twila and I looked shocked.

She shook her head yes.

"You'll do great. I promise." I laid her head on my shoulder as Twila sat there awkwardly not really sure what to do.

"I would love to stay but classes. You should go." Twila sighed. It's Hannah's last year and she's top in the class. Hannah nodded and was trying to get herself together, as Twila left the room. When the coast was clear I whispered to her.

"Hannah, I'm telling you this because I care, and trust you." I sighed not breaking eye contact with her.

"Are you going to tell me how stupid I am!?" She looked shocked.

"God no! I wanted to tell you... I don't have any proof...But, I think Twila is the source of all the trouble that we've all been going through...I know it's hard for you to hear but, it's my gut."

"What? No way. She's so nice. Weird...But, nice."

"Just. Please Hannah. Be careful would you? I mean she's always around too much, or not around at all. It gives me bad vibes." I sighed.

"I think you're just paranoid. Everything will be fine." She sighed as we went to class.

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