Chapter Eleven

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This Chapter is dedicated to Pennytopia3!!!! Thank you for all the votes and comments:)


I rang the doorbell twice before Somebody actually opened the door. The butler gave me an annoyed look suggesting that I had interrupted him from something. Then he said,“ He’s in his room. Go up the stairs and it’s the first door to your left.” He sighed and kept tapping his feet on the ground whilst impatiently waiting for me to move so he could close the door and get back to whatever he was doing. On a regular basis I would have taken my time just To annoy him even further but I knew I had to go before I chickened out. 

Which door did he say it was again? Shit. I really don’t know why I am even here. I am in so much trouble already because as soon as my mum finds out i didn't get onto that plane she is going to murder me. I don't know why I didn't just get on the plane. Oh yeah! It’s because Nathan was flirting with the girl at the desk. I didn't see his face but hers sure was really flirty and right then all my insecurities came back to me. I didn't even know I was doubting myself. Maybe I’m just not good enough for Nathan and thats why he flirts with every girl he sees but i can’t go back to feeling like I'm not good enough for somebody. I can’t live my life dubbing things i’ll never fully understand. I decided to take Kate’s advice for once and see where my thoughts take me. For years I had shut them off. All my curiosity about so many things were shut down because I had to be an ideal girlfriend and Nathan would shut out very idea I had on things. You could say I was playing the part of a Trophy girlfriend.

I still feel like I’m suffocating though but at least I’m slowly reaching the surface of the ocean. Should I knock? Or just walk in? I should knock. No, I should just go home. What on earth was I thinking I’m in Paris. Hundreds of miles from home. Okay. I’ll knock. As I tried to reach over it felt like my hand was suddenly glued to the side of my body. When I finally got it to rise I decided to knock hard for I don't know what reason which backfired immensely because Jordan opened the door at the same time. My knuckles collided with his nose. I don't know which one was louder the crack it made or the scream that escaped from his mouth.

“My goodness! You already shut the door in my face! I got the point that you hate me. You didn't have to break my nose too.” As he shouted at me blood started trickling from his right nostril and his left didn't wait long to start as well. What am I supposed to do now?

“No, I really didn't mean it. Omg I really don't know what to do. Let me get some tissues or something. I was trying to knock on the door and…”

“Can you please just get the tissues there in the bathroom.”

“Okay!” Then I realized I didn't even know where the bathroom was. 

Reading my thoughts he said, “Its the door behind you.”

I grabbed the whole role and ran back to him. I sat him down on the bed and carefully tilted his head in my eyes. Our eyes connected for a second and I could feel my heart thudding against my chest. 

“I swear I really didn’t mean it.”

He starts to laugh and I just sit there staring at him like he’s crazy. Did I just imagine this scenario? Didn't I just punch his nose so hard it started bleeding?

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