Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sun against my skin. It felt amazing. I breathed in to the fresh summer air. When u turned over Nathan was still asleep, snoring lightly. I couldn't help but stare at him and remember our times together. It's been three years now and tomorrow marks our 4th year. I couldn't be happier.

I remember how we first met at the local bar. Ever since then i was his and he was mine. People say if you love somebody easily then you haven't found the right person. Which is a whole load of crap because we loved each other from the moment he said hay.The thing is I've never had any serious fights with him. Our relationship was perfectly perfect and I had no worries. Nathan was a good guy. He was smart but still very popular at school. He was the head of the basketball team. Could I wish for anything more.

I seized this opportunity to go and take a shower before he wakes up. I let the warm water pour over me and it felt amazing. After half an hour finally decided to get out before I prune up.

I went on dressing it down with ripped jean shorts and a bold tshirt. I've never been bothered with my hair and makeup that much so I tied it into a ponytail and applied a bit of mascara.

By the time I got back to the room Nathan was already awake and was going through his phone. As soon as he saw me his face was lifted by that beautiful smile of his. Followed by,'Morning beautiful.'

'Good Morning,' I replied and leaned in to kiss him. 'So what are our plans for the day?'

'Well whilst you were taking your hundred year shower, Katie called and suggested that we meet downstairs in an hour...,' he looked down at his watch and then said,' well half an hour now. Then she went on to something about seeing the arc de triomphe.'

I rolled my eyes,' sounds great and it's funny how I take a hundred years to shower when I'm only 18.' I folded my arms and Nathan shook his head.

'I better go and take a quick shower before we go.'


Three hours later all four of us stood at the bottom of the arc de triomphe, hungry. I was taking countless pictures not looking where I'm going. That was a stupid idea though because I suddenly bumped right into somebody walking the opposite direction. As if I was wearing ice skates I fell but before I could hit the ground a pair of hands grabbed me. Not just any pair of hands but it was the hands of the guy who bumped into me...or I bumped into. He held me for at least five seconds and in that short time our eyes were already slow dancing with one another. He then mumbled something which I assumed was sorry and walked away. There was something that made me want to follow him but I just shook my head and caught up with the rest. Nathan instantly put his arm around me which usually gives me butterflies but this time, nothing. I just couldn't get my mind of this stranger.

When we finally found a small restaurant to have lunch my mind was finally starting to free. I was laughing and having a good time. As time went on though I felt weird. Like somebody was watching me. Suddenly a familiar pair of green eyes caught mine. Was he following me? Urg stalker much. It was my fault though for running into him so I decided to go talk to him. I told the rest though that I was going to the bathroom.

He had taken no notice of me standing above him so I awkwardly cleared my throat. 'Um hi...,' I sounded like a total moron, he probably doesn't ever remember me.

'Hello, didn't I bump into you earlier,' shit what am I supposed to say now? I should have come up with a back up plan before coming over.

'Yeah I am,' I picked at my nails as I always do when I'm nervous. Wait. Why am I nervous exactly? I just came to say thank you. Right? ' to umm...thank you for earlier, if you hadn't caught me I would have made a fool out of myself and....'

'Its ok, we both weren't looking where we were going,' he have a light chuckle which exposed his dimples,' why don't you join me?' He said pointing to the seat in front of him.

My mind was telling me to sit. Why was I so confused. 'No,' when I saw his expression twist I hurriedly added,' not that I don't want to, I just can't, I mean I'm hear with somebody, I umm.....'

He laughed again,' it's ok, I understand.'

I also smiled at how stupid I was being 'well I have to go now, so umm bye, again and umm thank you.' What is up with me and umm?

'Stop thanking me, it's the least I can do. If you ever need a tour around Paris though I'd love to show you around.'

'That would be great,' was all I said and walked back to my table. Maybe sometime this week mystery guy can show us around. Wait, I don't even have his number how am I meant to find him? Forget number, I was so caught up that I don't even know his name.


Later that night Nathan and I were laying down talking and joking around. Everything was going smoothly until he said.' I didn't know you knew anybody in Paris.'

Caught off guard I started at him blankly. He must have seen my reaction because he shook his head and added ,' don't play dumb Amiya I saw you talking to that guy today at the restaurant.'

Then realization hit me. 'Ohhhh, I don't really know him.' When I realized how stupid that sounded I added,' I almost fell today because I wasn't looking where I was going and he caught me before I touched the ground...yeah don't worry nothing cheesy or anything,' I tried to force Nathan a smile as the green eyed boy came to mind.

I could tell Nathan wanted to push the topic further but didn't want our happy mood to spoil so he changed the topic with,' I can't believe we have been dating for four years tomorrow, we have to Amiya...are you even listening?'

No. 'Yes I am,' I lied but it wasn't the only time Nathan had to call for my attention. The truth is though whenever I look at Nathan the green eyed boy comes to mind.



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