Chapter 13

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This is a filler chapter but I will try update sometime this week:)


    It was only about three in the afternoon and I had done more with Jordan in these few hours we have spent together than the weeks I had spent with Nathan. We had only known each other for such a short time but I felt as if I could tell him anything. Not that secret though. Did I really think he was going to judge me? Yes, Amiya it is the 21st century there's only one thing men want. He was different though. I could feel it. I knew that he wasn't only in this because of attraction but because he wanted to get to know me be better as well. Every time I heard his voice a flutter that was becoming more common. I knew that somewhere deep inside that that I felt more than an attraction to him but how could I when I have only known him of such a short time. What if he is a con artist? Or he abducts women. I’ve read about this in those magazines that Katie would always make me read. 

    I shake my head at the thought. I am definitely swooning over him and I can’t even deny it. I cling onto every word that leaves his mouth watching how his lips slowly twist when he is thinking of something in particular. The way his chest looks even more broad when he laughs. His eyes though those green eyes. They tell me a story. A story I want to know of. Could it be…

    “Am I that boring?” Jordan laughs and I realize that I am picking at my food whilst gawking at him. How embarrassing could this be. Oh Jordan if only you knew that it is the complete opposite.

    “You are not. I’m listening,” I lie.

    “Then what do you say?” I stare at him blankly which makes him laugh again.

    “I’m sorry. I really was listening it’s just that…” I am loss of words. What can I say? 

    “Amiya trust me it’s fine. I know how boring talking business could be. How about I take you out tonight? We can hit a few clubs here so you can get to know a little bit more of the Paris nightlife scene.”

    “You don’t seem like the nightlife type of person.”

    “I don’t look like s lot of things.” He gives me a mischievous smile. Then he adds with a wink, “ Plus, You will get a chance to wear that dress you bought today.” My heart is beating incredibly fast and I know exactly what he is getting at. The dress is tight and shows off my curves. It’s that dress that every girl has in her closet. The one that does you all the justice and makes you feel good about yourself. When I walked out of the dressing room Jordan’s eyes could not leave my body. That stare he gave me was urg. I blush at the memory.

    “Clubbing it is then.” I would do anything for him to look at me like that again.

    “Great it would give you a chance to to meet my friends.” His friends? My heart drops. Why am I disappointed. Oh yeah, I want him all to myself. Though this shows he does want me to meet his friends and that will enable me to know him more.


    That evening Jordan and I sat in front of the television watching reruns of modern family. Not. We sat in front of the television making out. He was so hot. His lips felt so soft as it left a trail of wet kisses down my neck. I shiver travelled down my spine. He really clouds my judgment. He doesn't know my little secret and for some reason I am not trying to tell him either. I am really, really attracted to him. I was never attracted to Nathan like this. Shit. He intrigues me. He pushes my boundaries. Wait…what boundaries? I didn't really set any. I’m letting him have this so easy. I should at least tell him shouldn't I? Would that make things awkward and make me regret my decision?

    He slowly moves his hands down to the waistband of my tights testing his limits. I want him and I want him now. My groin aches for him. My body and my mind are saying completely different things and I don't know which to go for. 

“You are so beautiful. You know that right? I want every part of you.” Shit. I need to tell him.

“Umm Jordan. I need to tell you something.” I look at him uncomfortably.

He furrows his eyebrows and picks his vibrating phone off the table.

“Yeah we are.” He says to whoever is on the other end. His eyes never leaving mine. He hangs up and gets up. “We better get ready. Greg will be here in and hour.

I didn't tell him. 

I won’t tell him either.

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