Chapter 27

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Writing this half asleep.. It's 6am and I just got home but u guys are doing so well with the voting and I love you so here...(if there are any mistakes let me know I'll edit later)
So I was wondering which couple do you like better Jordan and Amiya or Amiya and Nathan...


Amiya's POV

I woke up that morning to the sound of a lawnmower. What time is it? I didn't even remember feeling sleepy last night. I was waiting for Jordan to get home. Where could he have gone? I was getting more and more nervous that he was going to go back on everything he had said a few weeks ago. I hadn't known him long but I knew I loved him.

You could know someone for two days and love them more than you love someone you have known for a lifetime. That's how it was with him. I wasn't trying to throw shade at Nathan or anything but that's just how the universe works. I'll always love Nathan but not as anything more than a friend...I think.

This dilemma riling inside of me was starting to get annoying. I love Jordan I know that but whenever I am with Nathan this thing stirs up inside of me. They both have different qualities to them which makes me all mushed up inside. I wish I could squash them into one person. The though made me laugh out loud. Ohh what a disaster that would be.

Jordan is this guy who says all the right things and is always thinking about others even though he is so broken inside. Nathan is this guy who switches moods more than I change color. He is like the weather, constantly changing. Last night was a prime example. We were having a civil conversation when all of a sudden he finds out I'm pregnant and get angry. He is concerned about things that he shouldn't be concerned about and loses focus on things that are actually important. Why did he get so angry? Did he still think there was a chance? Is there a chance?

I buzzing sound interrupted me from my fantasy. I turned over to see I had one unread message. I was hoping it was Jordan since I hadn't heard from him ever since I told him not to look for me. I had started to get worried. My heart dropped for a second when I found out it wasn't him but when I read the message it lifted a little bit of unresolved weight off my shoulders.

Good Morning Amiya,

I wanted to say sorry for being on your case yesterday. What you do in your free time is up to you. I just hate you seeing a distraction in your way. You know what I mean. Your name says it all. Amiya~ Powerful and complete. Your not a builder but a planner meaning you love to organize and plan out everything and make sure people follow it as well. We were perfect as you said which is unnatural but there is nothing wrong with that because perfect worked for us. You must know that I will always be here for you. No matter what we can never deny that we have natural chemistry towards each other. I won't try destroy what you have now but I can't promise to support it either because I will always have hope for you and I to work. Whilst you make up your mind I will be here waiting and when you are ready to come back I will be here waiting. Till then if you ever need to talk I am just a phone call away.

Love you always. Nathan x

You know that feeling you get when your heater gets warm and fuzzy? I don't know what it's called but that's how I feel right now. Something made me feel as if everything was going to be okay. He made me feel like that and everything felt like old times again. The only problem is I loved Jordan. It's not a phase. I'm sure I love him.

I just wished that he would come back so we could talk about what was going to happen next. He was running away and I knew that's what I had done but after I slept on it I realized, I should have stayed and handled it like an adult. I got out of bed and walked to his room but his bed was exactly how I left it last night.

I needed to talk to my mum. Just thinking about it made me tear up. I was such a disappointment. Everything changed in a blink of an eye. It's funny just how fast the night changes but that's life. The sooner we accept it the better.


"Baby? What's going on? Are you okay?" as soon as I heard her voice I couldn't control myself. The tears just kept coming. Everytime I though I was done a whole new load of fresh tears came pouring out. My mum comforted me patiently till I was all cried out.

"Baby. What's wrong? Talk to me." She said calmly.

"Mum, I...I...I'm sorry... I..dis...disa..." I was so out of breath. I couldn't make out my words.

All my life my mum was there for me. She always kept me away from that side of the world. No she wasn't perfect but she got me thorough everything. We worked on what we had. She sacrificed her own happiness to get me where I was in life. I sat their on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor wishing that dome sort of miracle could happen and it could swallow me up. I would rather be gobbled up and not know where I was falling to than tell her.

Then something happened. Something I had been waiting for.

"Mum, I just miss you. I'll talk to you later." I hurriedly said and hung up before she could say anything. I couldn't contain my joy.

I barely placed my phone on the desk properly before I ran to the bathroom.


So tired. Please don't forget to vote and comment:)

Love you x

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