Chapter 9

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Was God testing me? Yes i was just thinking that I don’t need the drama in my life but that question brings in even more drama than before. Is he crazy. No. Wait. I’m crazy for even coming. I don’t even know why I came. He kept his green emeralds on me and it felt like laser beaming through me.

Then he spoke, “ Look, I’m sorry if that was too much to jump right into. I should have at least eased you into it and…”

“No. Jordan look you are making matters worse for me. My stay in Paris is nearly over. We are living in this fantasy world that we both think is going to last. However haven't you ever read a fairytale? The beginning is always fun and cherry but there is always a storm that seems to come and wash away the good bits. Think about it. We just met each other. I have know Nathan my whole life. I can’t leave him over you. I mean I met you less than a month ago.” I knew he wanted to interrupt me but i couldn't let him. I knew if I listened to what he had to say he could easily convince me. I spoke even fasten than I was before, “ Nathan is the one that I am with and the only one I would ever be with. I love him and If you think you could swoop in and take confuse me then leave me to sort out my problems for myself then you are wrong. You can’t wipe out memories that were made over a life time because new ones were made in a week!” Without even saying goodbye I grabbed my purse and left. I couldn’t deal with this right now. By the time I got outside I realized that I didn't know where I am. I knew if i stopped though he would try run after me. Did I want him to though? A little bit of me was hoping that he would so I stopped for about a minute but nobody came. 

I walked all the way down the long road and just as I was about to give up a car pulled up.

“Do you need any help young lady? It’s not safe to be walking all alone at this time of the night.” I looked up to see exactly who was talking to me. It was a Middle aged man who looked very familiar but I wasn't in the mood to play Guess who he looks like at the moment.

“Do you know where I can get a taxi from?” 

“Yes. You just missed the turning. If you go back to your last left turning and go straight down that road you will see a metro. There is a taxi park in front of it,” he replied lighting up a cigarette. 

“Thank you,” I said relieved because the turning wasn't too far. The mans instructions were accurate because the metro was right there big and very well lit. To say that I ran to the taxi is an understatement even the taxi man seemed a little taken aback. I gave him the address of where I was staying and I told him to drive there a fast as he can. I paid him and left him with the change because so much was going through my head the only thing that I had wanted to do was get into bed and rest before Nathan got home.

My thoughts were so unstable and I started wondering how my life got to this. It used to be so simple. I literally had no worries. The only thing that bothered mw though is if I was so convinced by the everything I told Jordan then why was I still thinking of him? Why didn't i even mention the fact that I love Nathan? Well, did I? I felt like we hadn't said those words to each other in forever. 

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts. I moaned as I opened the door thinking that it was Nathan because he had text me saying he forgot his key but to my surprise I’m wrong. Jordan. I stood in the middle of the doorway to show that he wasn't welcome in. I don't know why I am mad at him but I just want to block him out I guess.

He got the hint so he just started rambling straight away,“You asked me if I ever read a fairytale. In all truths I haven’t actually but I do know one thing about them. When the storm comes the sun is always fighting to regain power and in the end it is always shining so bright that it is able to outshine it and nobody even remembers that the only reason the grass is so green is because of the storm. I bet you are wondering why I’m going on and on about that but it’s because you may be right there may be challenges along the way. Hell. As soon as we met there was a challenge but that does not mean that we can’t and we won’t come back even better and stronger than before. Listen everything you said was true earlier. We don’t know what we are doing but you can’t stand here and tell me that you are not even a little bit curious on what would happen if we give it a chance. We can figure out you leaving as we go along. You were also right about …” 

My heart was beating so fast. I couldn’t listen to anything he had to say anymore. Before I knew what i was doing my hand slammed the door right in his face.


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