Chapter 16

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Hay you guys:)

I know I had said that I would start posting a lot more but my teachers are absolutely nuts. They think that students only tale one class so they can give out all the homework they like. Arrrr... At least the semester is almost over.

Then Zayn left one direction and I am here like who is supposed to fulfill my high notes need!!! I was supposed to see them in August but whatever I have four others. ha. x

This chapter is also short but I will try update really soon!!!

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    Maddy keeps asking me questions and I could tell she was trying to be nice. Something was up though. What is she playing at. I know for a fact that she is trying to make me jealous. She is wearing the same shirt that Jordan wore yesterday and I can tell for a fact that it is his because it has that small dot of ink on the sleeve. Are they that close? Do they really have that much of a past. Have they been more than friends? So many questions of them kept popping up and I couldn't go long without the image of them at the club came rushing to my head. 

    What they has though must be over. It needs to be. I must know more of what is going on. I can't let myself be dragged into something I know will hurt me in the long run. I have already been through so much with Nathan and after talking to my mum she taught me that we are only young once. That doesn't mean that we should do stupid things that would turn our life but we should follow our hearts. There is only so much we can do when we are young and I can't let my over thinking get to me.

    If she wants to play let's play.I was just about to flat out ask her if she was in love with Jordan but i decided to take a different take on it. If she wants to be nice I'll be nice.

    "What's your relationship with Jordan," It seems as if she wanted to say something but she kept her grace and gave me the answer I was expecting her to say. That whole 'we are just friends' lie. I need to be careful. I really do not trust her.

    Just as I was about to say something Jay and Jordan came in. Jay greeted us both and started bothering Maddy who wasn't really paying attention to him. She has her eyes on something or should I say someone else. Jordan. He kept his eyes on me the whole time. I was still disappointed in him after what happened at the club but I knew if I was to get on Maddy's nerves I am going to have to let it go. His eyes didn't leave me and I gave him a shy smile. It felt like his green eyes were trying to see through me which made me melt. I could tell that he wasn't fully sure if I was still mad or not so just to make things easy from behind the counter where I was standing i lifted my already short dress a bit more and walked over to give him a hug. I could see Maddy fuming from the corner of my eye but she quickly composed herself.

    "Hay you guys let's play a game," She said and the smirk on her face showed that she had something big planned. This worried me because I was terrible at group games and the last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself in front of everybody but I knew I had to. 

    I was the first to speak. "Okay! I am in if these guys are in. What do you have in mind?" Her smile widened and I knew I just stepped into a trap that I may not be able to get out of. It is too late to back down now so I might as well just go through with it. 


    All four of us were sitting on the floor of the family room. Grace was still dead asleep so we decided to let her rest. My heart was pounding as I waited for Jay to set the first dare for Jordan. I have never actually played a proper game with people I barely know.

    I was expecting Jay to say something crazy but instead he just made Jordan drink a glass of chili and lemon juice. I can get through this. Maybe she doesn't have another motive. Maybe she does like him and is jealous but would't actually do anything crazy. 

    We were four rounds in and I had already taken three body shots off Jordan, tried to seduce the neighbour and answered a truth question. The one dare that Jordan wasn't really happy with is when I had to give Jay a lap dance. He didn't have to say anything for me to know. His eyes give up a lot about him. Trust me if I had a choice I would not have done it. I pretended to like it anyway because I was pissed that Jordan kissed Maddy with no problem. Ah! He is infuriating. I had to keep telling myself that it was just a game. It means nothing.

It was Maddy's turn to ask a question and she turned to and looked Jordan straight in the eye but that wasn't right before she snuck me a glance.

"Truth or dare Jordan," She taunted.

"I think i will do truth I am getting tired."

"Perfect. okay would you ever date a virgin," I couldn't believe what she just ask. She knew what she was doing. She picked at her nails whilst she waited for her answer. I was actually very curious at what he would say. He could not be that much over a player that he wouldn't even consider it I mean come on...

That is when I heard Jay laugh. Like he really really laughed and Jordan ended up joining him. I can't believe this is what she was playing at this whole time. To humiliate me. I looked away till their laughing died down. My patience was growing thin and I didn't know what was going to happen next. It felt like they had been laughing forever and everything was turning in slow motion.

"Maddy why would you even ask that? You know me way better than that. As Taylor says once you go in you never go out. I mean who is one in this day and age anyway. They must be some losers who never go out. I mean..."

I couldn't take anymore. I got up and walked upstairs. I just could not. I needed to hold my tears back. I cannot cry. I can't believe he is such a jerk. I only had one thing on my mind.

I need to leave. I need to leave now.


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