~ Prologue ~

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(Y/N) Weasley was one of eight children of the Weasley family. She was the middle child of Arthur and Molly Weasley, she was born between Charlie and Percy. She was similar in many ways to her family, however different in many ways as well. She was the quietest, and never was a trouble maker. She wasn't confident nor as outgoing as her other siblings, she mostly stayed latched onto her mum and dad. They all were very protective of (Y/N) due to the fact she wasn't talkative, people were surprised to find out she was a Weasley besides the red hair of course.

When she was at school she mainly kept to herself, she didn't really have many friends besides Charlie and Bill, but they had their own friends so most of the time she spent alone studying or reading. Her mother (Molly) would often compare her more to Percy, but at the same time, she was nothing like him. Yes, they were similar in the fact they cared about studying, but she wasn't brash like Percy.

No, she wasn't like any of them besides the looks and hair. She was most like her mother and father (Arthur) in personality, they all were kindhearted and unique in their own way. Molly and (Y/N) shared the same warmness and kindness to people in their family and also to stranges. Arthur and (Y/N) were like two peas in a pod, they shared their unique outlook on life and acceptance for others no matter of their background or blood. They also shared the interest in muggles and they live. (Y/N) always wanted to do what her dad did but Arthur wanted her to do more, he wanted her to see life through her own eyes instead of following in his footsteps.

But (Y/N) wanted a life like her Farther and Mother, she didn't want fame or money. She just wanted to love, and live a content life with her family and whoever she fell in love with. So when she left school she got a job with her farther at The Ministry of Magic working in the misuse of muggle artefacts offices. Molly and Arthur, of course, we're proud but they still felt she could do more, so when the opportunity to teach at Hogwarts they encouraged her to take the position of the muggle studies professor.

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