~ Chapter 20 ~

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The house was whole but I felt alone without Remus beside me. Laying in a double bed with a cold space made me long for him. I missed the comfort and warmth he gave me as I would snuggle into his chest breathing in his homely scent. 

Mum could sense something was off with me, she always tried to pry it out of me but I never gave her the full truth not just yet. I carried on like normal, well as normal can be. But in a house like mine normal was the odd behaviour. 

For the last few days, Remus and I exchanged letters between us, I wanted to make sure he was safe even offering to go back and help him recover and forget my family. But he wasn't having it, he was coming that morning when I received my last letter from him. I didn't know what to do or act. I wondered how I would greet him and he would greet me. 

We hadn't seen each other in a few days and that was a long time for both of us, usually, we jumped each other's bones pulling him back into my room. But we couldn't, it felt too early and too strange in my childhood home. 

That morning I got ready preparing for his arrival. I got to the bottom step as I heard Mum wishing me a good morning. 

"How did you sleep?" She asked placing plates on the table. 


"You've dressed up nice, for anything special?"

"Oh no. I thought I'd put an effort in today."

"That's nice." She smirked at me as I placed the cutlery on the table. 

"Do you know what time Remus is coming?" I asked casually but she could see the slight hint of redness on my cheeks. 

"Oh. You'll have to ask your dad, why do you need to know?" She questioned still prying with more of a serious look on her face. 

"I was just wondering." I shrugged trying to stray away from the topic I brought up. "I'll ask Dad. Where is he anyway?"

"Picking Remus up and the Christmas ham." 

"Oh." I felt a little excitement hearing he was coming sooner than I had thought. But then nerves started to set in making me flush. I poured a glass of water to cool myself as Mum looked back with a worried look. 

"Are you sure you are fine? Your very flushed." She came over placing the back of her hand against my forehead. 

"I'm perfectly fine, just a little hot in here that's all," I said pulling the neck of my jumper. 

"Sit down before you pass out." She pulled out a chair for me as I breathed in and out trying to cool myself. "Maybe taking the jumper off would help." 

"No it's fine I just need to sit down," I said pushing her hands away from pulling off my jumper. I didn't have much on underneath, just a bra that I knew Remus had liked previously. 

"Alright, fine by me." She walked away going back to making breakfast. 

A few moments passed in silence when I heard the sounds of tires pulling up the drive of the house. Then the sound voices of Remus and Dad talking with each other. I felt anxious again feeling the heat rise again, the door opened as Dad walked in laughing at something Remus had mentioned. 

"Y/N I didn't expect you up this early," Dad said laughing as I smiled with thin lips not knowing what to do. "Anyway, Remus I'm sure you've met our daughter already."

"Of course. Nice to see you again." He said offering a hand to shake.

"Nice to see you too," I said shaking it back as if we had never met before. I didn't know what to do I felt a little offended by his greeting, not even a simple hug. Just a plain handshake nothing more. He turned back to Dad talking about something I didn't pay attention to them. I looked Remus over checking to see if he was ok, especially after the last few days. 

He looked a little more tired the usual, and there were healing wounds on his hands and face. I was scared of course I wanted to check him fully like I did normally but it didn't feel right especially not in the house. I didn't realise I had zoned out until I heard Dad shouting my name waving his hand in front of my face. "Y/N, Y/N."

"Sorry, yes?"

"Could you show Remus Bill's room?"

"Of course. Come on follow me." I said brushing past them and making Remus follow behind me up the stairs. I could feel his eyes on my backside as we went upstairs. once I got to Bill's door I turned around looked up at him and see him looking right at me. "I missed you," I mumbled so no one would hear but him. 

"I missed you too." He leaned in as I opened the door pulling away from him before letting him into the room. 

"This is it, I'm next door if you need anything." I brushed past him again as he tried to lean in again. I ignored him, maybe teasing him a little as I turned back around. "Breakfast will be in five minutes. Bye." I said shutting the door and leaving him there as I walked off with a smug smile. 'This was going to be a long week.' 

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now