~• CHAPTER 3 •~

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*Your POV*

I wake up to Ginny shaking me awake. "Come on, mum needs us up and Harry's here." I laugh at her getting excited, I knew she likes Harry.

Alright fine. Let me get changed and I'll be down." She jumps off the bed and leaves. I get up and changed feeling nervous about today.

*Your Outfit*

I went down the stairs to see the pub crowded with people

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I went down the stairs to see the pub crowded with people. I weave between them and bump into someone. I look up and see a handsome man with his hands balanced on my waist to stop me from falling. "Sorry about that." He smiles down at me. I give him a small smile back.

"It's okay," I say. I study his face as he smiled. He has messy hair and slightly messer robes. It suits him though, he had a cute crooked smile which made him look so approachable and kind however the scars on his face make him mysterious and intriguing. I knock out of my trance when I heard Mum shouting my name.

"Y/N dear we're leaving soon." I look back at the man.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I point back at my mum and pull away from him.

"It's fine, sorry again." he smiles letting me go. I walk into the crowd again looking back at the man to see him heading for the door. He looks back and winks smiling at me. I blush and smile back. 

"Where were you? Why are you blushing?" She smiles looking back at the door. "Ohh, seen someone have we." She laughs.

"It's nothing," I say walking back to the others waiting to go.

We get to Kingscross station

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We get to Kingscross station. We all boarded the train, my siblings ran off with their friends to sit with them. I wandered down the train to an empty compartment at the end. It reminds me of my first year but lonelier. It is dimly lit and cold the window was covered in condensation and you could barely see outside the window.

The journey was quiet no one came down this far. It's not too bad I finished the new muggle book and started the new one I brought.

The journey carried on as the train got colder, the lights went out as the train stopped. The window starts to freeze up. I snuggled further into my coat and look outside. The lake was dark, no light could be seen for miles. I thought I saw something move in the shadows. They look like ghosts but dark and had an evil presence in them. The train was silent, with no talking or laughing from the students. It's strange.

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now