~•CHAPTER 11•~

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Mild smut (Next chapter will be the proper smut)


*Y/N's - POV*

Today is the day. My date with Remus. I feel sick and nervous but also excited. I woke up like any normal Saturday, Remus thought of us sleeping in separate beds for the night so it would make the date feel more like a first date.

I get out of bed and get changed for the day ahead.

*Your outfit*

No matter what I couldn't get my stomach to settle with all of the butterflies in there

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No matter what I couldn't get my stomach to settle with all of the butterflies in there. I kept thinking of everything that could go wrong tonight. 'What if this is a pity date? What if he doesn't like me? What if he stands me up?' 

Nothing was settling my stomach. I tried to relax in my room but nothing was working. I decide to go on a walk to clear my head for a while.

*Remus' - POV*

I couldn't sleep at all last night, I didn't know if it was the unfamiliarity of not having Y/N there beside me or just the nervousness of tonight. I didn't know what to do I just started to overthink all the worst possible scenarios in my head. 'What if this is a pity date? Why did she agree she probably thinks you are an old creep? What if she stands me up?'

I start to panic, even more, my mind was tricking me in every possible way. I just take a deep breath and decided to clear my mind with a walk around the castle.

*Your - POV*

I walk out of my room panicking that I would run into him. I don't know why he made me nervous but also happy. I walk outside walking around the grounds trying to clear my mind, but it still didn't work. I didn't know what to do all of it was overwhelming. I hadn't been on a proper first date before, the last relationship I was in wasn't the greatest so things like this did come easy to me. I try and push those feelings back, knowing that if I do something wrong he would leave me. Being alone wasn't what I wanted, or needed. Being from such a big family didn't help, it was amazing to have such a close family but then to be left alone with only one other person who controlled your whole life wasn't good.

All of the feelings spiral in me throughout the day, and nothing settled. The only way it would settle was Remus, but he wasn't there. He said last night before we separated that he wouldn't be there in the day, and that he needed to do something. I found it odd when he did that, but I had to stop myself from overreacting. But I still couldn't distract myself from the other feelings inside of me.

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now