~• CHAPTER 17 •~

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~Your ~ POV ~

After that night Remus hadn't let me go, I didn't know what it was about him but I didn't mind. If we weren't teaching or working we were intertwined together, we nearly left the room only for food and lessons. It was nice, but sometimes his mind would drift and would focus his eyes somewhere else but me. I worried as he looked away, but I would always draw him back in with a soft kiss on the neck, cheek, nose or lips. He would knock out of the trance, smile and focus back on us.

Every morning was the same, but nice. We would wake up intertwined in the covers with our naked bodies holding each other for a while as we would go at it again like rabbits. After the pleasurable moments in bed, we get ready for the day not leaving each other for a while until the morning lessons.

Remus always walked me to my classes, before we were together he'd make the excuse of saying it was on the way to his class but now he'd walk me there to the door and leave a lingering kiss on my lips as he left for his lessons. We had a few awkward moments as sometimes the students would interrupt the moment. We'd pull back with an awkward cough and nod to each other as Remus left. With these moments I would have giggling students for the rest of class asking me questions or integrating me for my information. I would laugh and play along until it went too far, that's when I would shut them up. It would end with me getting flustered and embarrassed in front of the students as my back faced them as I wrote on the chalkboard.

At the end of the day as it eventually came Remus always stood outside of the door waiting for me as the students left the class, I knew it was him because I'd hear the giggling and students wishing him goodnight. He politely smiles and says the same, or he just simply smiles and nods at them as they left. That was the same route until one night as the students left I didn't hear his footsteps walk into the room.

I listened out again thinking he maybe had a later class, or that he was teaching Harry, but that was only on Wednesday nights. I waited for a while doing some marking in the candlelight as the winter night drew in, I sat there for an hour before I decided to finally find him. I knew it wasn't the full moon tonight, so where was he?

I walked up to his classroom walking past a few students, they greeted me as I walked past and up the stairs. I got to his glass room and saw the candlelight under the door frame, I knocked quietly not wanting to disturb him but there was no answer. I knocked again, but still no answer. After a few moments, I decided to walk in on him. As I did I saw him hunched over in his desk chair staring down at a piece of paper. He looked tired and strained with stress. His hair had fallen into his eyes as he just stared not paying attention to anything else besides the paper.

I was worried because whenever he was like this it meant he was hiding something. I walked to him trying to get his attention but it wasn't working. I got to his desk leaning my arms against the edge leaning over him looking at what the papers were. All I saw was that map again, this time there were more people on it, but he was focused on only one place. I didn't know which place but I knew it was affecting him. I sighed feeling sorry for him, I moved my hand over to his and lightly gripped it in mine. He inhaled sharply and looked back at me with tired eyes.

"Sorry love, I didn't know it was you." He gave me a soft smile as I smile back tracing my thumb over his knuckles.

"It's ok, I was wondering where you were." He sighed and looked back at the clock.

"Im sorry, I lost track of time." He says in a quiet tone as he stared off at the clock.

"It's ok, I was worried about where you were but I knew you'd be here." He looked back at the map and nodded not looking back at me. "What are you looking at?" I wanted to distract him, or more trying to get him to speak. He shrugs and traced his finger over one of the names. I looked back at it closely seeing it read 'Peter Pettigrew.'

"I've been thinking. What if something is not right."

"What do you mean?"

"That something you've thought for a long time wasn't true, and that maybe something else might be happening."

"I don't know Remus, but if you think that something going to happen then you have to tell someone." He looked back at me with worry.

"People won't believe me!"

"Then maybe tell someone who will." I wanted him to know he could trust me, especially with something that was eating away at him.

"I don't know, everyone will think I'm insane."

"Sometimes you have to do things that may make you look insane." He sighed and slumped back in his chair.

"It's just more complicated, someone could get hurt or worst die." He mumbled into his hands as he pulled them away, he looked to the window as it started to rain heavily. He looked miserable and fed up with everything. I didn't know how to help him. I walked behind his desk and stood in front of him blocking his view from the stress of the map. I leaned down to him and cupped his face in my hands, he looked back at me with tired eyes.

Y/N: "Maybe it's true or maybe it's you overthinking things, just please don't kill yourself over something that is causing you more issues than it should." He sighs and shakes his head in my hands, I knew this was eating him away I really wanted to help but it felt like a one-sided thing that only he understood. "Why don't we skip dinner? We can just have a relaxing night to ourselves." He smirked and laughed to himself.

"Haven't we been doing that most nights?" He wraps his hands around my waist still with a cheeky smirk. I laughed and shook my head knowing he was thinking of something naughty.

"I don't mean that I meant just a night with no stress and no worries."

"But maybe it'll relax me." He pulls me in closer with a pout. I scoffed and shook my head at the horniness of this man.

"Is that all you think of." He laughed into my stomach and pulls back.

"Not all the time." His fingers play with the waistband of my skirt. I pushed his hands away shaking my head.

"Please not tonight, I'm tired and have been sore all day. Just a break please." He sighs heavily.

"Fine. Fine, but you owe me." He stands up pointing back at me.

"Oh I know I do." I placed a light kiss on his lips as he smiled back at me. He folded the map back up and placed it under his arm as he grabbed my hand leaving the classroom for the night.


A/N's: Sorry this is just a filler chapter to move the storyline along, I promise it will get better as it goes on.

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now