~ Chapter 18 ~

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After a few days, the snow started to come in. I always like being here for Christmas, it felt homely and secure, but this year it wasn't as safe to stay. Most of the teachers and parents insisted students stay at home for the holidays so it was safety in numbers. Only a hand full of students were staying with some of the teachers, and the head of the houses. With this, it gave me and Remus an issue to decide. Either we stayed here and spent time alone like we were back at school again, or we could stay with my family. I hadn't asked them if we could because we didn't know what was happening with mum and dad anyway. 

That was until I got a letter from mum on a random day in the week. The owl flew into the classroom as the students did silent reading, I didn't get much mail so it confused me when Errol dived headfirst into my pile of marking. Some of the students laughed and whispered as I laughed as well. 

"Stupid bird." I looked over at the students seeing Fred and George peering to the front at me. I frowned back as I saw them smirking back at me. 

"What have you two done?" I mouthed back at them knowing their stupid smirks. They both laughed as Fred mouthed back. 

"Read the letter." I was regretting trusting them with this. I didn't want mum and dad to know anything yet knowing that Remus was a close friend of theirs and they'd probably freak out when they found out. I opened the letter while feeding Errol some of his treats I kept in my top draw. 

It was so nice to hear from them but as soon as i read about her 'little spies' i knew who she was talking about

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It was so nice to hear from them but as soon as i read about her 'little spies' i knew who she was talking about. I looked back at both of them they both started laughing but their faces slow turned more scared as i starred down at them.

"Mr, Weasley's i'd like to see you both after this lesson." I say stirnly knowing that i was i bigger shit then them, the students all sniggered as i heard Lee shout over to them "OOO someones in trouble." The classed laughed as i laughed to myself as well. 

The lesson carries on as I keep an eye out on both of them, they both looked down at their books nudging each other in annoyance. They both looked back at me with guilt as i lift an eyebrow like mum would, that woman needing a medal to deal with these two. 

Just as the lesson finished I said goodbye to the rest of the students, they wished me a Happy Christmas as i pushed the twins back in their seats. I turned to tell them off as i heard footsteps walk in, I turned to see Remus leaning on the entrance with a smirk on his face. 

"Alright boys." They both rolled their eyes and mumbled together.

"Yes Professor." Remus laughed as he walked closer to me leaning in to kiss me, i stopped him as i placed the letter on his chest. 

"Read it." He looked down at the letter reading it will sitting on the desk opposite the boys. I heard him snigger at something as i looked back at the boys with my arms folded. I then heard Remus sighing while rubbing his hands over his face. He handed me the letter as i looked back at him. "What are we going to do about it?" 

"What can we do? Your mum wants me there." 

"I know." I turned back to the boys. "Why did you have to tell them?"

"Its wasn't just us!" The both shouted at the same times. 

"Oh god, Percy wasn't it." I pinched the bridge of my nose knowing that noisy shit was involved. "I knew he'd be apart of it." I placed my head on Remus' shoulder, he rubbed my back. Remus sighed kissing the top of my head. 

"You two can go." Remus says quietly as he continues to rub my back. I felt a hand on my shoulder as i looked back at them, they looked upset. 

"We're really sorry Y/N."
"Yeah we didn't mean anything by it." I smiled back at them. 

"I know you didn't." I pulled them down to hug them both, because they were taller it felt a little awkward but they did apologise more then i would except Percy to do. 

The twins left as i turned back to Remus. He gave me a soft smile as i sat down next to him.

"What are we going to do?" 

"We could just go."

"What and let my dad kill you, i don't want that." Remus chuckled and pulled me in. He placed a kiss on my temple as i played with his hands. 

"I know... The full moon is a couple of days after we go, what about I stay here for a few days and you leave early."

"But i don't want to leave you." I pouted back at him knowing i wasn't use to sleeping alone anymore. 

"I know, but you can have time before i come with your parents ok." I knew he was right, i didn't want to leave him but i had to. 

"So calm before the storm." Remus chuckles.

"Exactly." I took a deep breath as Remus looked back at me. "Are you ok? If you dont-"

"NO! I want you to go, so bad. But i just..."


"I don't want to lose you! I love you and -" Remus looked suprised as i spoke, "What?"

"Y-you just said you loved me." I panic for a second.

"Did i, sorry I-I." Remus cut in off with a kiss. 

"I love you too." He pulled back as he held my face between his hands. "And stop worrying nothing bad will happen." 

"I know you right, your right. I'm just overreacting." Remus smiles and kisses be again this time it lingered, as he leaned me back against the desk. We pulled away as Remus latched on my lower lip. I giggled into his chest feeling like a school girl. 

"Come on lets go." He pulled me from the desk following me behind me, he gave me arse a playful slap as we walked on. 

"Oi, were still in the school grounds."

"Yeah, but no ones around." I scoffed as Remus wrapped his arm around my waist. "If we're quick we can fit a quick one in before dinner." He chuckles and winks back as me.

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now