~ Chapter 23 ~

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*Your POV*

I woke to the feeling of a pair of soft lips lightly brushing my skin and the warmth of being in someone's arms. I opened my eyes and smiled brushing my fingers through Remus' hair. He groaned into my skin as I massaged his scalp. He looked up at me with tired eyes and smiled. "Mornin'." He mumbled placing a kiss again on my lips.

"Morning," I replied smiling back at him as he leaned in again attacking my skin with kisses. I laughed trying to push him off when a knock came at the door making us both freeze. The door was locked as the other people behind it tried to get in. 

"Y/N, Dear. Could you help me downstairs please?" Mum asked making me sit up fully awake. 

"Of course, coming mum," I said quickly putting my nightdress back on with a thick cardigan wrapped around me. 

"Thank you, dear." She said eventually leaving as I rushed around my room. 

"That was close," Remus said rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Too close," I said slipping on a pair of thick socks. I looked back at Remus seeing a sad look on his face as he started getting ready to leave as well. "I didn't mean it like that," I said realising how it sounded. "I just meant..."

"I know what you meant." He stopped me placing both of his hands around my waist. "We just have to be more careful around them." He said leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips. "I'll see you at breakfast." He said leaving. 

I quickly headed downstairs seeing Dad sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and Mum cooking breakfast. Dad looked up and smiled back at me. "Merry Christmas!" He said cheerfully. 

Mum turned back placing a plate in front of him. "Why was your door locked, you never usually do that?" She asked. 

"Oh, just a habit I pick up at work." I shrugged remembering to always lock my door just in case. 

"Thank god," Mum mumbled to herself and carried on cooking the breakfast. 

"Have you seen Remus this morning by any chance I need to speak with him about something," Dad said while seeing another cover with Sirius Black on the front. 

"No I haven't seen him since last night," I said nonchalantly. 

"Nevermind'll go and find him." He said folding the paper under his arm. He left leaving me and mum alone in silence. I started to feel guilt building up in my stomach like I had done something evil. I didn't know what to say until Mum piped up. 

"It is a shame we didn't get to meet this mystery man your hiding from us." She said turning away from me to set out the table. 

"Oh... Yes, it is." 

"Maybe we could meet him over the summer. It's just weird I didn't hear about any other new or young teachers starting this year besides Remus of course." She joked as I almost dropped the pan of beans in sheer panic. 

"Well yes he started later than everyone else," I said just as Remus and Dad walked in looking very serious. 

"Arthur, could you shout the kids down please?" Mum asked as I sat down trying to act normal. 

"Kids, Breakfast!" Dad shouted, all of them ran down the stairs diving into the food beside Percy who sat there with a sickly pale face. He pushed around his food and clearly had no appetite. 

"Is something wrong Percy?" Dad said taking a bite of his toast. 

"Just not that hungry," Percy said pushing back his plate. 

"Are you sick?" Mum asked placing the back of her hand on his forehead. 

He shrugged her off. "No, I just heard something last night that made me sick to my stomach." 

"What was that?" Mum asked confused by his attitude.

"Nothing i want to repeat." He said staring dagger back at me and Remus. 

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now