~•CHAPTER 10•~

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*Third person - POV*

It was coming closer to Christmas at Hogwarts. The hall and the corridors were decorated, it smelt like pine and burning fires. The snow had settled on the ground, it looks magical from all areas of the castle.

Y/N was excited she would be leaving soon to go home with her family. But she was also sad. Her and Remus weren't official together in the sense. However, she didn't want to leave him. She did like Remus and wanted a relationship but she felt maybe it was too early, or Remus was just not that interested as she thought.

Remus was ok. The last full moon wasn't as bad because of having someone there, but he felt like he was betraying Y/N on not telling her what is happening. He loved, but he felt like she could do better. He wanted to ask her out, but he felt the same way as her, questioning if it was too early, or Y/N was just not that interested as he thought.

*Your - POV*

I wake up in my bed for once. Alone. It feels odd without having Remus here. We were together all the time it felt odd to not have him there. I turn to my right side and place my hand on the empty side, I sigh and decide to get ready for the day.

*Your Outfit*

I leave my room walking to the hospital wing to check on Remus

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I leave my room walking to the hospital wing to check on Remus. He told me the day before that he would be there that night because he didn't want me to see him in that state. I tried to protest with him but he insisted it I didn't. I want to respect him and not overstep the boundaries because of what he was like around this time.

I walk through the hospital doors quietly, Madam Pomfrey looks up and smiles. "Hello... I'm guessing you're here to see him." I nod. "He's down at the bottom behind the curtains. Be careful that last night was pretty rough."

"Ok, thank you. I will be." She smiles and carries on with whatever she was doing. I walk down the room and get to the shield. I walk between the gap and see Remus asleep.

I walk in to see the damage closer. I walk to the seat next to him and held his hand lightly not wanting to disturb him. I look at him and see new wounds on his cheeks, some were deeper the others. They look painful oozing a harsh red colour. I look down at the rest of him and see his chest wrapped in bandages, some were faintly tinted with blood seeping through. It makes me want to cry seeing him like this, he didn't deserve it.

I move in closer to him and brush some of his hair from his forehead. I lightly trace my fingers over his cheekbones. He is still handsome even like this. I smile lightly and place a light kiss on the back of his hand.

A few moments pass and he begins to squirm a little. I let go of his hand, and he opens his eyes faintly and turns to his right. His eyes open more and look up at me. I smile at him to comfort him. Not talking so it wasn't too loud for him.

"Morning," I say quietly after a few moments of silence.

"Mornin'." He says in his raspy voice, it gives shivers down my spine.

A Lovers tale ~ Remus Lupin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now