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(fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tem)


ITS THE NIGHT BEFORE THE second task and i'm in the Hufflepuff common room.

A fellow Hufflepuff comes in and looks around quickly, their eyes land on me and they run up to me

"Professor Mcgonagall needs you in her office!" She squeaks quickly, i nod and make my way towards her office

Making my way there i run into Ron and Hermione who are also making their way there so we make small talk

Walking in the room we see a little girl who looks a bit like Fluer Delacore

"Please sit" I nod at Her and make my way in the seat but Hermione is skeptical

Mcgonagall hands us some tea and i drink line quickly while The others are defiant

"Please dearies drink" Everyone drinks their tea and soon after everything goes black

Waking up under the water was not ideal, glancing around i see harry and he's looking at me

He makes his way towards me but the
mer people stop him and say 'only take your hostage' he glances at me and mutters a sorry and goes towards Ron

I start choking on the water and i finally see Cedric pull into view, he makes eye contact with me and swims as fast as i've seen him swim before

He grabs a knife from his shoe and starts cutting the rope

My vision starts getting blurry and he starts cutting faster

Right before i fell unconscious i hear him mutter a string of curses and then it goes black (again)

My eyes go open and i retch out the water stuck in my throat

I hear a collective gasps and Cedric trying to push through

Draco kneels beside me pulling my blanket closer to me

"Darling are you okay!?" He looks around me and grabs my chin

I nod and shiver slightly once the wind blows towards me

He looks around getting up and snatching harry's blanket wrapping it around me

"Malfoy!" Harry bellows but he still pays attention to me

He picks me up bridal style and carries me away towards the Hufflepuff common room

He throws me on my bed and runs a hand through his hair

"What the fuck Dove!" He looks at me and his eyes are red

I stand up and go infront of him "What did i do Draco!"

He chuckles making his nose bop against mine "Seriously? you're Diggory's most important thing?" I laugh in his face which makes him go red

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now