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I WAKE UP AS SOMEONE bursts through my door loudly "WHAT!" I say as i shoot up out of my bed

I look to my door and Blaise is there but his eyes are teary and he's quiet

"Come with me.." He says and i nod throwing on a hoodie and following him out quickly

"What's going on?" I ask but he just sighs and walks faster, i walk quickly and i notice the path as he takes me towards Dumbledore's office

"Why are we going to Dumbledore's office?" He still doesn't answer so i just stay quiet until we get to the statue

He mutters a password and the statue opens up and before i can ask another question he's gone so i just make my way up the stairs

I get to the wooden door and i hear two people arguing and a two people laughing, i make my way in and i notice Mcgonagall and Dumbledore arguing and my dad and Grandma laughing in the corner

"What's going on!" I say and everyone looks at me, Dumbledore is showing a straight face, Mcgonagall is on the brink of tears and my family is smirking

"Oh dear, you're coming home with us" My dad says his tone dripping with amusement

I gasp and look wide eyed at Dumbledore

"You can't let them take me!" He opens his mouth but Mcgonagall beats him to it

"He allowed it! he is going against so many rules as a Headmaster, i dong know what to think" She looks at me and notices i'm crying, she bustles over pulling me in a hug glaring at Dumbledore in the process

"Oh dear i'm so sorry, i'll try my best to get you back here" I nod and we all go over what's going to happen whilst i'm gone

"So i'm leaving and never coming back?" I say and everyone goes quiet

"Yes, you don't deserve to be a witch i am taking your wand and you will go to normal school as a normal kid" My grandma snatches my wand and shoved it in her purse as i look towards Mcgonagall

"She can't take my wand!" I cry whilst my voice breaks slightly


As i sit down on the bench outside i hear a conversation going on and i listen in

"Did you hear?" The girl says and the boy raises an eyebrow "Hear what?" He asks i scoff slightly

"That muggle-born girl, Rosier, she's getting sent away by Dumbledore for who knows what" I gasp and stand up my head flowing with thoughts

I spot Blaise and i can see he was crying so i sprint to him grabbing his shoulders and roughly pushing him into the wall

"Where's Dove?" I ask and he whimpers slightly at her name but collects himself quickly

"She's in Dumbledore's office, hopefully they work something out" His voice gets slightly lower with each word and i let go sprinting to his office hoping to merlin she's still there when i show

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now