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FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS I have been trying to talk to Fred but every time he makes up a lame excuse to not talk to me.

I plop down on the seat next to Cedric "I give up" I put my head down roughly earning a few stares.

Cedric chuckles "It's not funny Ced" I hit his arm playfully and he holds his arms up in surrender.

I grab some food and begin eating "Well maybe he's mad at you" Cedric says out loud

I look over to him with a glare "Obviously" He smiles "You know you never say you appreciate me" I smile plainly at him

"Of course i appreciate you Pretty boy" I look at him again "Why wouldn't i your my bestfriend" He smiles

"You're right" I nod "I always am" He hits my head playfully

"Cocky much?" I smirk at him "Says you Mr Hogwarts champion" I make fake shouts cupping my mouth with my hands

He pushes my hands down playfully and we continue eating making small talk

Blaise and Theo round over to Hufflepuff table and pick me up

I wave goodby to Cedric and he continues eating

Once we get out the great hall they are out of breath

"Did you put on some weight?" Theo asks panting dramatically

I push him over and laugh when he groans

"Okay" Blaise pants a few more times

"Harry has blue hair" Theo blurts out smirking at Blaise

"I WANTED TO TELL HER" Blaise shouts at Theo while wrestling him

"Guys! i already knew" They stop and look at me dumbfounded

"What" They say at the same time

"Yea, i made the pill" I look at Blaise

"You know this" He looks at me like i'm speaking a different language

"Yes but i put the pill in his drink" I stare at him

"No i did" We think for a moment

"Oh no" We both at as we run in the great hall

It goes quiet once the doors slam shut and we look around frantically

We finally spot a disgruntled harry blowing a piece of his blue hair out his face

We run over to him and he looks at us confused

"HARRY HOW LONG HAS YOUR HAIR BEEN BLUE" We both ask at the same time

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now