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I GET PULLED INTO A BROOM closet roughly getting sat in a chair

"What the f-" i look up and there's Dumbledore

"What do you want" I cross my arms and he sighs

"I know young Malfoy's task, i want you to let him do it" My eyes widen and eyebrows furrow together

"What no! i want to live" He sighs and grabs my shoulders looking into my eyes

"He will die, it's either him or you" He lets go and walks out the closet without another word

I think about what he said all night....

What am i going to pick?

I sit next to Draco and look out into the sky, he stays staring when i sit next to him but stiffens slightly

"You promised me everything" I start while looking into the sky

"What? no i didn't" He shakes his head hesitating before he says it

"I fell for it, i put you first yet for you i didn't mean anything" I look at him

"I needed to lose you, yet when i did, i still didn't love me" By this point my eyes are filled with tears

"Look, i'm not killing you? what more do you want, i mean i'm going to die for you and you still won't leave me alone!" He gets up and storms off, i see tears in his eyes when he rounds the corner and my heart pangs

"...but despite all of that i still love you" I sigh giving up and leaving to find my ledge to sit on

I found the hallway and climb up to sit on it, once i get up there i lay down looking at the ceiling blankly while tearing up

"I never needed you like right now Ced" The tear falls down my cheek slowly, "I never hated you more than right now because you left me!" I get up as i scream the second half

"Why did you leave me?" I crumble down into a ball sobbing

"I told you not to enter, but you did!" I scream again as the tears roll down faster, "It's your fault i'm broken, and lost" I jump down from the ledge and make my way towards my dorm

I lay in bed talking to myself, well Cedric but he's dead...

Fucking tri-wizard tournament, i need him

I get out of bed when dinner is over which seems to be the worst time as everyone is in the common room and halls

I roam around catching eyes since my face has tear tracks and mascara running down my face

But i'm unfazed and roam mindlessly

"Why is she like that...." Some whispers came but i couldn't hear, it was all a blur as i thought about Cedric

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now