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THE VOICES AROUND ME go higher and my eyes bolt open slowly as they stop

"Dove.." I look to my right and Cedric is sitting there holding my hand

I take in his complexion, he has bags under his eyes and he looks like he hasn't left the room in weeks

"Miss Rosier, it appears you were in a coma for 3 weeks" I look to Dumbledore as he says that and my eyes widen involuntarily

"3 WEEKS?!" I sit up quickly, the blood rushes to my head and i fall back down holding my head

"It seems you should be careful as you had a concussion" Snape sneers at me

I look pointedly at him as if saying 'obviously'

"Wait but that means the last task is soon" I look at Cedric and he nods

"It's in 2 days" He says shyly while i process everything

"Cedric, have you been preparing for the third task" I ask after a few moments

He looks around and scratches the back on his neck "Are you serious Ced! you could be hurt"

"I couldn't leave you! no one else came Dove" He looks at me his eyes watering slightly

"No one" I sigh and grab his hand "Go practice i'm better now" I get up wobbling slightly but stop soon after

"See?" I put my arms up

He sighs shaking his head grinning

"Fine" He gets up going to leave but Dumbledore stops him and tells him something before letting him go again

I smile at the professors before they all tell me what's happened the past 3 weeks

I sigh and take a moment before i enter the great hall

Once i enter all eyes go to me but no one says a word, I look towards Blaise, Theo and Daphne but they all avert their eyes

I sigh and make my way towards Cedric

"Hi Ced" I smile and sit down next to him, he smiles and grabs himself and me a plate

I can feel the eyes on me all dinner and once we're excused i make my way out of there

"Dove wait" I turn around and sigh once i see Theo and Blaise

"What" I cross my arms and look at them raising and eyebrow

"We're so sorry, we didn't come visit you because draco-" I stop them there

"You listened to Draco? did you know he cheated on me, i didn't think so" They look around embarrassed

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now