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WALKING INTO THE GREAT Hall always excited dove, mostly because every year she'd get to look up into the sky and let it sink in she's here finally again at last.

I look around trying to spot Cedric in the crowd of people finding their way to their seats, once i spot him i smile and walk over to him.

I cover his eyes giggling "guess who!!" i say extending the 'o' at the end a little.

"hmmm...Draco Malfoy?" he says with a hint of humor in his voice.

I scoff and let go "how rude Ced would you rather it be Malfoy? i can make that happen i have to steal his scarf anyways" he chuckles but shrugs muttering a 'lunatic' to which i hit his head at.

I shake my head walking towards the slytherin table, doing this earns a few eyes to linger on me but after a while they look away.

Passing by Blaise i hit him in the head for fun which he gives me the finger to, honestly such a child but i love him.

Nearing him i shout "malfoy!! oh malfoy!" exaggerating the 'y' at the end of malfoy.

He turns his head to me lifting an eyebrow but sneering in the process of noticing it was me calling his name.

"what do you want mudblood" he scowls and continues eating raising an eyebrow expectantly.

I scoff at his words but end up smirking

"nothing malfoy...just this" i garb the end up his scarf causing it to shrivel loosely which makes it easier to pull it off.

He tries to grab it but i yank it faster and he fails in doing so.

I wrap it around my neck and smirk at his frown etched on his face.

"what Malfoy don't wanna share your scarf? oh well give me mine back and you'll get yours, simple" i make a sharp turn heading back to Hufflepuff table.

Passing Blaise he gives me a high five which i give back but instead of doing it to his hand i high face his face.

I grabs his nose "what was that for Rosier?!" he groans and i chuckle.

"For being a Zabini" i wink and his eye roll but before i could get back to hufflepuff table i run into snape.

"And Miss Rosier why aren't you seated?" he raises an eyebrow trying to hold a frown on his face.

I bat my eyelashes innocently "oh i was just talking to Mr Malfoy about a book he borrowed from me" i look at him tilting my head slightly.

He examines me and shakes his head obviously disappointed he can't take house points off.

I sit by Cedric and he puts his arm around me, i hear a wolf whistle and i tilt my head back and it was obviously blaise and theo messing around.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now