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THE DAY WENT BY IN complete agony, i was just waiting and watching

Draco wasn't doing anything out of normal so i guessed he was hiding it, like me

"Hey Draco" I smile at him but what i'm feeling inside is worse

"Hey" He simply says and i sigh, "Look i have a plan just trust me" I smile and he nods slowly

I walk around for the day and suddenly bump into Dumbledore, i sneer and his face stays neutral

"I think you know what you have to do" He says simply whilst walking away, i mimic him and roll my eyes going to potions class

Snape walks in and flips the blinds shut "Turn to page 342" He reaches the front and smirks at me, i shutter and turn to the page avoiding snape for the rest of the class

After all the classes are done i run into Dominic, i smile softly as he looks at me with concern

I hand him a letter and he raises a eyebrow at it

"Read it tomorrow, please" I smile sadly knowing what my plan is

"Okay? but wait" He grabs my shoulder and pulls me softly to look at him

"Are you okay? i've been dealing with my dad so i couldn't check on you as much" I grin "Always worrying Dominic" I shake my head on the brink of tears

"I love you, remember that" I smile sadly while he looks at me confused

I walk away and for a moment i hear him say "I love you too..." I burst into tears once i'm in my dorm

I'm never gonna see Dominic again

The boy who saved me

After i get all my feelings out i look at the clock and wait patiently for 10 o clock to come

As the sun slowly goes down the clock slowly gets towards 10

I push the letter into my pocket as the clock strikes 9:30 and make my way towards the astronomy tower

People stare as i walk quickly towards the astronomy tower, beads of sweat rolling down my forehead

I climb the steps hearing voices climbing the steps towards the bottom, i speed up wanting to get there first

Once i get there i hide in the shadows wishing for them not to see me, after a few minutes go by about 7 people walk in Draco being one of them

"Draco! where is the little mudblood" Bellatrix shrieks grabbing his arm, i wince seeing how hard she's grabbing him

He sweats and looks around but gives up soon after

"I don't know.." He looks back up at bellatrix

"The dark lord won't be pleased Draco! you know what we have to do now" She puts up her wand and my eyes widen, this isn't supposed to happen!

I jump out the shadows and as soon as she mutters the spell i dove in-front of Draco, the spell hits me square in the chest and she cackles

"Any last words, Mudblood!" I try to speak and coughs slightly

"In another life Draco..." I cough out more blood

"You promise?" His voice cracks and tears fall down his pale face

I mutter out a small response before she hits me with another curse

"I promise" And the darkness takes me over as my life ends.

But in the end i was thinking of the person i love



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now