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ITS BEEN THREE DAYS SINCE Malfoy has confessed his 'love' for me.

He avoids me everywhere, i haven't seen him in class and when he see's me he turns the opposite way.

All with this going on three people have asked me to the yule ball.

Obviously i turned them down, i want to take Fred.

Or maybe draco...

No Dove, you like Fred.

Draco just caught you by surprise.

Yes that's it.

By surprise.

"So Cedric" I rub my shoulders against his.

He smiles down on me "yes dove?" We stop and look at each other.

"Who are you taking to the yule ball" I grin as i notice he starts to get nervous.

"Okay, you know" He leans in whispering in my ear.

"Cho Chang" He backs away looking around to see if anyone heard.

I squeal and hug him.

He looks around more.

"Okay Ced! you have to ask her!" Cedric stops in his tracks.

"No! i can't ask her, she'll definitely reject me" He scratches his neck sheepishly.

I look at him and put my hands on my hips.

"Cedric Diggory, your the golden boy of Hogwarts! every girl who turns you down is just dumb" I grab his hand and keep walking.

"So if she says no, just ask any other girl and you got yourself a date" I smirk at his red face.

I spot cho chang going in the direction of the owlery.

"Ced! it's your chance, go ask her while she's alone!" I point to her and he faces me.

"Do i look okay?" I look at his disgruntled hair and missed up shirt.

"Yea! go get her" He gives me a thumbs up and sprints over to her.

Two people put their arms around my shoulders.

"Ah, Cedric is asking Cho, what a shame" He leans over so i can see him.

"10 galleons Theo" I shake my head at their antics.

Theo hands Blaise 10 Galleons and mumbles a string of curse words.

I slap Theo's shoulder.

"No more cuss words, i told you this and i won't be sorry if your hair is red tomorrow. I point at Theo glaring playfully.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now