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I'M SITTING IN A TREE AND ALL of a sudden draco hops in next to me.

"What're you doing here Malfoy?" i ask while dangling my feet.

"Oh nothing i just like this tree" i loo at him and he has the famous malfoy smirk, this can't be good.

I know his plan once Harry walks into view.

"My father and i have a bet you see, i think you last ten minutes in this tournament" he jumps down from the tree that he pushes me so i grab on the branch with a yelp.

He doesn't look back at me and continues.

"He disagrees, he thinks you won't last five" Draco and his little cronies start laughing.

Harry bites back and starts walking towards draco.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks malfoy, He's vile and your a pathetic" He turns around and starts moving away from draco.

Draco mutters a few words around 'father' and 'how dare he' He tries pulling out his wand but i wasn't gonna let him hex harry, especially with his back turned.

I swiftly take out my wand and point it at draco.

"expelliarmus" His wand flies out his hand but before he can tell who did it, the draco malfoy turns into a ferret.

Professor Moody starts bouncing him up and down, he puts him in Crabbe's pants so goyle sticks his hand in only to be bitten by draco.

McGonagall Comes around seeing all the chaos.

She looks at draco and her eyes widen.

"I-is that a student?" She looks towards Moody.

"Technically it's a ferret!" He licks his lips.

"Professor Moody we never use transfiguration on a student, surely dumbledore told you that!" She shrieks at Moody.

He looks everywhere but in front of him.

"He might've mentioned it" McGonagall shakes her head.

"Well you'll do best to remember it" She takes out her wand and changes draco back.

He scrambles around.

"My father will hear about this!" Moody turn his head over to draco.

"Is that a threat!" McGonagall pulls on Moody's coat and drags him out of there before he can do anything.

Draco looks around "What're you all looking at" Everyone looks away.

He looks up at me "My wand Rosier" he holds his hand out expectantly.

I roll my eyes "Maybe stop trying to hex people Draco" I throw his wand down to him.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now