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She can't live without him.
He cant live without her.

Dove grabbed Ginny's hand while they walked up the hill together "so...what happened between you and that Aiden guy" she says while wiggling her eyebrows.

I chuckle at this statement "ginny we broke up and he's a muggle it wouldn't have worked out anyways" i say with a sigh at the end.

"there's no way you broke up with him! that's so unfair you should be able to be inlove!" she scoffs but before i could answer her we find the Diggory's.

"Amos! great to see you, now where's your son Cedric..?" Mr. Weasley asks Amos Diggory just as Cedric jumps out from the tree.

"hello Mr. Weasley" Cedric says extending his arm for Arthur to shake, after he shakes it he says that we should start going to the Port Key.

We walk around for a little and after a while we stumble across a boot and Amos announced it was the Port Key so we all put our hands on it.

We start spinning and Arthur tells us to let go which we do.

I got the ground landing flat on my stomach which i let out a groan, a few seconds later i feel two bodies fall on top of me.

"Fred, George please get off me you Phsyco's" They laugh but get off me after also helping me up.

The big group all run up the hill and meet a muggle named Mr. Roberts, he asks us for our galleons and we hand them to him and make our way to our tents.

The diggory's make their way to their tent while the weasleys, hermione, harry and me make our way to our tent.

Once we get in me, hermione and harry stare in awe of how the tent looks.

"okay girls pick a tent and boys you get the other.." he looks around "ron get out of the kitchen we're all hungry"

The twins mock him "yea get out of the kitchen ron!" he looks at the twins "feet off the table!" they take off their feet but once he turns his back out them back on "feet off the table"

We all make our way up the stairs "dad, how far up are we?" ron asks in an annoyance

"far up!" Arthur says clear enthusiasm in his voice, "well if it rains you'll be the first to know" i know that voice anywhere

I turn around quickly "Mr. Malfoy...Fantastic you're here" i say clearly soaked in sarcasm.

"how dare you speak to me..you filthy little mudblood" Lucius speaks loudly.

I flinch but smirk "wow lucius...going as low to talk like that to a child...your wife must be so proud" before he can retaliate i turn on my heel and follow the weasleys dropping my scarf near Draco in the process but ignoring it.

"Miss Rosier...be careful a mudblood like you could get very hurt" i turn around and lucius is smirking with a hint of mischief in them.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now