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(ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num)


THE MORNING OF SEPTEMBER fifth i decided to sit at the Slytherin table for the first time since the first day.

I sit down next to Blaise and a cough is heard, i look over next to Draco and Collette is looking at me with a scowl, "Uhm why are you here? your a Hufflepuff"

The whole table who heard her looks in her direction questionably since no one questions why i'm here

At least not anymore

"What" Theo finally asks raising an eyebrow

"She's a Hufflepuff, why is she at Slytherin table" She gestures towards my tie, Draco chuckles lowly and she turns her head to him

"Why is everyone looking at me like that" She looks around and no one answers

"Listen i'm getting really-" I groan and roll my eyes at her

"Because i can and no one cares" I finally say, she goes red and scoffs

"I care" She sticks her nose in the air crossing her arms at the same time

Everyone in proximity laughs and she goes red again "What's so funny? does my opinion not matter" Everyone nods

She scoffs and stands up looking at Dominic "Let's go Nic" he looks around and takes a bite of his food mumbling something

"What's that Nic?" she asks annoyed crossing her arms again "I said i'm eating Coco" He smiles coily at her while she shrieks getting everyone's attention

"Nik! i told you not to call me that!" She stomps her foot and sprints out the great hall

It goes quiet until me, Blaise and Theo all look at each other and smirk

We cup our hands around our mouths and yell "PANSY 2.0 ALERT!" The whole great hall burst into laughter except for Pansy, even the teachers are giggling

"That's not true! her voice is all shrieky!" She says in a high pitched voice

The hall laughs louder as she's proving our point

As i get ready for later i notice a picture on my night stand, i sigh and pick it up

I look at the moving picture of me and Cedric on the beach, without noticing a tear slides down my cheek and i wipe it away quickly

"I miss you Ced" I hug the picture and put it back wiping more tears as i continue getting ready

Once i'm ready i grab the veritaserum i was asked to bring this year

I leave the common room and make my way to the court yard as quickly as i can

so see a group of people by the black lake so i go there to meet them

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now