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Dear Draco,

Hey it's Dove....I haven't heard from you in months, i guess the promise on the train really didn't mean much to you...at all, sorry for the 58th owl, i miss you....but i'll be fine i guess

Much love,


I set down my quill and hand the letter to my owl sighing, he hasn't answered in months.

A knock is heard from the door as i watch the owl fly away "Come in" I say my voice cracking involuntarily

I turn around as Blaise comes in "Hey Dove" He look at the open window and sighs "No answer?" He asks looking back at me

I shake my head getting up and going to my bed "Why did he stop answering?" I look up at him "He promised"

He lets out a breath and comes over to me wrapping his arms around me "I say....move on" He lets go looking in my eyes

I take a moment to think but sigh "Your right"

He smiles and stands up holding an arm out for me "Lets go, dinner is ready and mum is waiting" I smile and grab his hand and he leads us downstairs

We get to the staircase and start making our way down, about halfway down Blaise stops and i stop looking at him

"What's wrong Blaise?" I ask looking over his features, he looks concerned and confused

I look in the direction he's facing and my breath hitches, Blaise's mom is greeting the Malfoy's

Blaise collects himself as do i and we make our way towards them again

"Ah! and here is my son and his...Friend" Blaises mom stops as she says friend, noticing the tension

"Blaise" Mrs. Malfoy says nodding with a tight smile

"Hello Narcissa" He says taking her hand and kissing the back of her palm

Blaise greets everyone and lastly gets to Draco

He nods at him which Draco nods back

"Now Blaise why don't you introduce Dove to the Malfoy's" Blaises mom says nodding towards me

He looks at her and smiles tightly "Of course mother" He looks at me wearily but i give him a nod indicating i'm fine

"Mr and Mrs Malfoy this is-" Before he could finish Mr Malfoy speaks up "I know who she is" He sneers at me and everyone goes silent as he glares at me

"Yes, i know you know me Lucius" I smile coily at him "But your son should too but" I fake an innocent face "He doesn't know how to answer owls? you must not know manners" By the time i'm done speaking i'm fully focused on Draco

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now