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THE MONTHS GO BY SLOWLY as i think of everyone back home

Me and Dominic's relationship has been wonderful, we've had a few fights resulting in sleeping in different rooms

But we always get past them, hopefully we get past this one....it's towards the first of September in about a week and new spread how my grandma died

I talked to him about going back which started a fight, he has been avoiding the thought of going back which i didn't think was much but now it's concerning as i noticed he has been catching the owl's before they send my messages

I sigh as i look out into the night, when will we go back

Obviously i've grown and had a bit of a glow up, Dominic insists i keep myself kept so i do, today is my sixteenth birthday and i'm blowing out fake candle since Dominic forgot

"Happy birthday Dove" I smile sadly thinking of all my friends back at Hogwarts

I sigh and fall onto my bed

My eyelids slowly flutter shut as i fall into a dreamless sleep provided by a potion

After two weeks Dominic agreed begrudgingly to let us go back to Hogwarts, i was ecstatic so i packed right away

I look at the clock and see it's 10 at night so i start to make my way towards Dominic's room to go to bed

"Hey Dominic, you ready for tomorrow?" I ask while he's brushing his teeth, he sends me a smile nodding his head slightly

I grin and get into bed and wait for him to come next to me, once he's there i feel safer than before

Like how it usually is when he gets in beside me, so we fall asleep and tomorrow we will finally see everyone


I run through the platform hand in hand with Dominic, we catch a few people's eyes and whispers emerge around us, we stay unbothered and climb on the train

We pass by all the compartments eyes on us but soon i look through one and i finally see my friends, my smile falters as i see their state

Blaise is frowning whilst Theo is yelling at Crabbe

Daphne is looking out the window in a daze and Pansy isn't for once leaching onto Draco


He looks the worst, he has eye bags and he almost looks like a ghost, he's in a black suit and looks like he'll break at any moment, he looks skinnier and like he hasn't eaten in months

I sigh and me and Dominic enter the Compartment

Everyone's eyes slowly go to us and widen once they register that we're here

"Dove?" Blaise choked out and stands engulfing me in a hug which Dominic scoffs at, i hit hit shoulder muttering a 'be nice'

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now