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LATELY DRACO HAS BEEN IGNORING me even when i talk to him first.

Honestly it doesn't bother me too much.

Cedric and I are talking again and i heard that he likes cho chang so i'm excited for him!

We were sitting down while professor McGonagall explained something to us.

"The yule ball is a tradition the tri-wizard tournament hosts" She clicks her heels walking around.

"It is therefore....a dance" Once she announced that there was a dance every girl in the room started talking.

I roll my eyes, i wouldn't want to go to a dance so i'm probably going to skip.

"Fourth years and uo can go, but the third and lower need to be asks by a upper class man to attend" Mcgonagall talks about the details but i zone out.

I refocus once all the girls stand up looking expectantly at the boys.

i stay seated hoping to not have to practice.

Neville is the first boy to stand up and then most boys groan but stand up anyway.

I make it about five seconds before fred weasley comes up to me grinning.

I look up clearly not interested.

"Yes?" He holds out his hand expectantly nodding towards it.

I groan and roll my eyes but take his hand not trying to be rude.

To say fred weasley is a bad dancer would be a lie.

He danced amazingly and to be honest i didn't have a horrible time dancing like i usually do.

"Well Rosier, your not a bad dancer" He grins and winks at me.

I chuckle shaking my head "Your not bad yourself weasley" I cross my arms smiling at him.

We talk for a few minutes catching up since i haven't talked to him in months.

"Dove! let's go we're gonna throw pine cones at first years!" I turn around to see blaise and theo holding three buckets full of pine cones grinning.

I laugh at them and turn back to fred.

"Sorry weasley duty calls" I salute him and he just laughs at me.

Blaise and Theo whisper behind me as i lead us to our tree.

"Boys" I stop suddenly, they both go quiet.

"What are you guys whispering about?" I turn around and raise an eyebrow crossing my arms.

Theo whistles and Blaise smirks

"We're talking about snails" He smiles triumphantly as if i can't see through his lie.

I turn around walking again and i can hear them high five.

"Fred and I are just friends, i know that's what your talking about" I smirk knowing their faces are showing shock and fury.

"Nooo you guys looked very close over there dancing" I turn around again and Theo and Blaise were dancing horribly and trying to recreate us dancing.

"Guys, if you don't stop i'm not going to throw pine cones with you" I pick up a pine cone from one of the buckets.

I smirk.

"I'll throw them at you" I look up at them.

Their eyes are wide and they stopped dancing.

"Okay fine" They cross their arms walking ahead of me towards our tree.

I grab the buckets and run to catch up with them.

I'm sat next to the golden trio (plus ginny)

"So Dove, do you have a date to the yule hall yet?" so look over to ginny wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I laugh and shake my head.

"No ginny i don't, and i'm not going anyways so" I shrug my shoulder at her.

Her face contorts into confusion.

"What, you have to go!" I laugh at her and look towards her.

"No i don't, besides all the boys here wouldn't want to go with me anyways" I shrug my shoulders.

I mean, who would want to go with me.

Fred seems nice but i don't think he would like me like that.

I zone in when all the legs schreech against the floor.

I look towards Daphne.

She waves her hand signaling that we're doing game night again.

I grin and go to follow her out the great hall.

Sitting in the Slytherin common room with me and daphne is Blaise, Pansy, Theo and Draco.

"So what game are we playing?" I look over to daphne and shrug my shoulders.

Everyone mutters different games.

"Maybe truth or dare" I hear mischief in draco's voice once he says that.

"What're you up to mate" Theo is smirking at Draco who is acting innocent.

Daphne smiles "Ok! truth or dare it is" I hesitate but eventually nod my head and agree.

But i can't help but wonder what draco is up to.

Usually i never care, but i have a feeling about this and i can't shake it...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 | 𝔇.𝔐Where stories live. Discover now