15// The End of The Day

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"What the fuck?! What is wrong with you?!" His sister punches him.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He says while rubbing the wounded spot.

"Why do you keep getting this chick pregnant?!"

"Daddy?" A soft voice that could be heard from the living room.
Elise gasp and smiled as Cesar walked over to greet his daughter.  "Good morning sweetheart. Are you hungry? Wanna eat something before you head home?" She rubs her eyes and nods her head.

"Yes please. Where is uncle Johnathan?"  She stands and sees the unfamiliar lady standing in the kitchen.

"He had to head back to work. This is your aunt Elise." Mercy waved as Cesar lifts her into her arms. "Hi sweetie, you're so pretty."
"Thank you." She says and Elsie starts talking to her as Cesar cooked her breakfast. When Mercy started eating thats when she stirred her attention to him.

"So what are you gonna do about the baby situation."

"I don't know yet, I will ask for a paternity test, I guess. You're finished?" He turns towards his daughter and  as she nods and smiled proudly at her empty plate. "Okay we're heading out." He picks her up and his sister met them at the door.
"Let me know when you're getting her again. I want her to meet her grandparents." Cesar nods his head and sighs, not ready for that moment yet.


It's been a week since he figured out Cesar may be the father. Him and Johnathan came up with a plan and now it's being put into action. The knock on the door signaled that Venus is here. Cesar quickly took the Lasagna out the oven and sat it at the table then opened the door.

"Wow you look amazing. Did you dye you hair?" He says.
"Yeah back to brown. It was getting unhealthy." She shakes her head. She was wearing a sweater dress while wearing her hair short while also showing off her natural curls. "I took put my extensions, letting my hair breathe. Ohhh what's that smell?"

"I made Lasagna." He moved out the way to allow her to step in. Her belly was bigger, his heart dropped looking at it afraid to get down to business on why he really invited her.
"All of this for a short convo?" She questioned as he pulled the dining table chair out for her to sit in.

"Um, actually it's important. Something more serious." He says as he cuts her a piece of lasagna and himself one. She digs in instantly enjoying the flavors in her mouth.
"Important, about what?"
He leans forward and grabs her hands, Vee has a short fuse so it was best to go slow. "I think you need to take a paternity test." If you getting right to the point slow.

"WHAT THE- MERCY IS YOUR DAUGHTER." She snatches her hand from his and get out of her seat.

"No, not for Mercy. The one you're expecting." He rushes to her side. She stares at him like he has two heads.
"Are you out of your mind."
"No I'm not. You got pregnant right after we- "
"This baby is Jack's!"
"How do you know!"
"Because...." she groans loudly then puts her hand over her stomach. Cesar takes her by her hand and guide her to sit on the couch.
"Vee, please listen. Wouldn't that be unfair to Jack?"

Vee knew there was a possibility that this baby was Cesar. She just didn't want to admit to herself. "Yeah you're right. I just- I don't know what I'm gonna do." Tears stream down her face. Cesar embrace her in his arms as she sobs on his shirt.
"I'm here for you no matter what. Because at the end of the day, the baby is still Mercy's sibling. I just want this baby to be happy and healthy." He pulls her off his shoulder and looks into her beautiful

Hazel eyes and full lips. She was a gorgeous woman, this is why he couldn't resist when putting his lips onto hers.

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