19// The Heated Conversation

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"Cesar Darling, how have you been? Wasn't expecting you to be here." Jen casually says. "Marla, William needs your help out back."

"Oh really? Okay. I'll be right back." His mom scurries onto the back.
"I doubt my dad needed something." He pushes past her as he tried to walk back to Venus.
"Listen, I wanted to talk to you in private-" She tries to grab him but he soon yanks his arm and turns back facing her while pointing his fingers in her face. "You stay the hell away from me." He then goes back to the front entrance and welcomes his beautiful pregnant girlfriend and his daughter into his childhood home.
"Is that?-"
"Jen, yes. Stay away from her. She's a lunatic." He guides her past Jen as her eyes widen, wasn't expecting Venus to be there. Venus glares back at her, sizing her up. Jen was taller than Venus, but Venus wasn't short, or a punk. She glares back her.

"She's a lunatic? Do you want to know what happened to the last girl that tried me?" Cesar waits until she continues, "I decked that bitch. I want Jen to try me." She starts to gather her into a bun. Ready to fight.
They ended up at the back yard where the rest of family were. Cesar instantly grabs her a chair and picks up Mercy. "Baby, you're very pregnant. You shouldn't be thinking about fighting anyone."
"Daddy! Can I go on the bouncy house?" Mercy shouts.

"Yeah go ahead." He puts her down as she runs towards it. "Take off your shoes first!" He yells back.
"Remember what I said baby." He emphasized to Venus.

"Then keep that bitch away from me then." She snaps back while holding her stomach.

"Yes my sweet girl." He walks towards to table where there is a bunch of food and wipes the sweat off his forehead.

"What's got you so worked up." He hears his father behind him.
"Why did you guys invite Jen? Hmm?" He says as he stuff Venus favorites on to a plate. Not turning around to greet his father.
"She's family-"

"Save the bullshit." He snaps as he fully turns facing his father. "What does she want."

"She said she wanted to talk. She knew you would be here." He shrugs off.

"I don't want to talk to her. I want her to sign the divorce papers and to stay the hell away from me."

"Now do you think that's a good idea? You guys didn't sign a prenup. She can get half if she wants-"

"She's not getting half shit. I have a family now I have to take care of. I started my Empire before her. So no, she won't be getting shit. Now if you'll excuse me. I have to feed my child and the mother of my child since you are being a very rude hostess to them."
We walks over the Venus, his beauty smiling looking over at the bouncy house as Mercy shows her cool moves. He can't wait to find out the sex of the baby. He could be having a crappy day, but thinking about Vee and Mercy and the new baby washes all the negativity away.

"Hey baby. I got you some food." He pulls her out her trance.
"Oh thank you, you didn't have to. Mercy! Come and eat." Mercy hurries and slip on her shoes then her little legs runs over quickly as Venus feeds her something off the plate as she eats that as well.
"Cesar, little kids don't want that." He hears his mom coming around the corner. "Do you want Pizza my dear?" She squats fo Mercy eye level and takes her hand
"Yes please." She then looks back at her mom for reassurance.
"Go ahead Mercy." Then she sees Cesar's mom take off with Mercy inside the house.
"You're comfortable?" Cesar asks as he massages her shoulders.
"Yeah I'm fine. Go help you mom in kitchen, and please bring me something to drink."

"Okay." He leans down and kisses her head. He then walks in the kitchen to see Mercy sitting at the kitchen island talking his mom's ear off. "How is it Mercy?"
"Delicious! Grandma said I can have ice cream next!" She shouts.
"That's if it's okay with your parents." She finishes as she smiles at the little girl.
"Grandma?" Cesar says.
"I told her to call me that." She shrugs. "She loves to eat, just like you at her age. She's beautiful Cesar." She says as she watches Mercy concentrate eating her Pizza.
"I know."

"I'm sorry about everything. I will do better." She states.

"I hope you do. If you want to be in your granddaughter and the future baby's life you have to respectful towards their mother first." He goes to the fridge and grab Venus a water bottle.
"You're right. I will. Can I give her some Ice Cream? Is Venus okay with that?"
"Yeah sure. I have to actually go bring this water to her." He nods towards the back doors

"Yeah go take care of her. I'll watch Mercy." She says as he walks out to see Venus and Jen in a heated conversation.
Holy shit

(A/N: I seen so many of you saying update, and if you read my posts on my profile I told you all I had midterms so that was the reason for the delay. Midterms will be over tomorrow when I submit this last exam in but I had to update now because you guys are so impatient lol. Thank you all for the views and lovely comments, yall crack me up. See you all in the next chapter. And read my posts!)

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