3// The Truth

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"Hi, who are you?" The young girl ask. She is in a blue jean dress with her polka dot stockings and winter boots. "Hi, is your mommy home-"

"Mercy! What did I tell you about answering the front door!" And there she was, it was like everything stood still but her.

"Mommy a man at the door." Mercy says as Vee pushes her daughter behind her.
"Go upstairs and get ready ready for bed," the little one obliges and waves at Cesar then runs upstairs. His heart is heavy.

"Cesar what are you doing here? How did you find me?" She says as she closes the door half and stepping out into the cool fall air.
"I should be the one asking questions." He gestures to the little girl that ran upstairs.

"No I don't! You came here. To my home. How did you find out where I live?! What the hell!" Her emotions are everywhere, seeing the man who made her crazy after 4 or so years was frustrating.
"You were at my restaurant." Jack, She thought. She rolled her eyes, of course that was his restaurant. He owned all of NYC! She was bound to run into one of his businesses. "So what, you followed me here?"
"Yeah I sure did. Now lets cut the shit. I wasn't born yesterday. I know she's my daughter and I would like to see her." He spits back.
"You have no right! You threw me aside and made me hate myself. Then you just show up trying to control my life again, just like you did when I was eighteen, hell no! Now leave.

"How can you afford this place anyway? You have a sugar daddy? You are a maid fucking the boss? We know what a slut you ar- " Cesar didn't finish when he felt his face sting. She slapped me?!
"Get off my porch! Now!" She then shoves him, until he almost slips.
"You will hear from my lawyer!" He yells back then hops into his BMW, and pulls off. Venus then slams the door; frustrated with how, still to this day Cesar still makes her this angry.
She goes into the kitchen and slumps over the island. "Hey are you okay?" She felt Ben rubbing her back.
"Yeah, just gotta get me a lawyer now. Is that your specialty?" She asks Ben.
"You know I'm IP but I can get you in touch with one of the best." Her tears kept spilling down from her face, she couldn't stop crying.
"Hey, whats wrong? What did you do Ben?" She looks up and Becca comes running int the kitchen. "Nothing! Her ex came pounding at her door. Then there was a screaming match. I bet the neighbors were having a field day."

"Jack? What did that douche want." She says pouring her bestfriend some tea.
"It wasn't Jack, it was Cesar- "the cup crashes. Becca heart almost dropped. "Did you say Cesar? As in Cesar James?" She whispers, like his name was not supposed to be spoken of in this home.
"Yeah, the restaurant we were at he owned it. I'm pretty sure Jack told him about Mercy because you know Cesar, he is nosey as fuck and I bet he put two and two together! Now he wants to get lawyers involved!" She says as she brings our the broom and sweeps up the shards of glass that clashed with the floor. "What? So we get them! Who the hell he thinks he is barging in, trying to control your life yet again. Ben can represent you."
"You know he can't and plus I don't want to bring lawyers. Can he just stay away? I never had to share her and now I do. This is so unfair." She says as she moves over to the couch while her two bestfriends follow. "Mommy! I'm done!" She says from the stairs. Venus turns and sees the mini Cesar looking back at her. God they were twins. "Okay, I'll be up in a few." She says to her.
"Venus, Mercy isn't a toy."
"Exactly! She isn't, he think this is like a competition where he just wants to win and control me like when I was eighteen."
"Maybe he really does wants to see her and be a father figure towards her." Ben says.
"Guys I highly doubt that. I told you how he is many times before! You're suppose to be on my side!" Ben raise his hands up and defense. She then walks away and heads upstairs to Mercy's bedroom. "What book did you pick?" Her daughter raises her favorite unicorn book as Venus slides into the bed. "Okay lets start."

"Yeah but if we drop the sales of the product then it would be easier if-" A knock startled her phone meeting. She was currently at work trying to forget about her crazy day yesterday hoping it will go away. "Venus Lefevere? You have been served." A guy walks in and hands her a vanilla folder. SERVED?! As in court?!
Venus was fuming, heated. She stood up and told the person on the other line she will reschedule, she told her boss she had an emergency and he let her leave early.
"You can't go in there! You don't have an appointment Venus!" Cesar hears outside his door. "I don't give a shit." He then guess the voices correctly when Venus burst through the door. "How could you? You really are taking me to court?!"
His receptionist stood behind her helpless and he told her its fine and to shut the door. Venus stood there in a fitted dress with pumps. Cesar wondered if she dress liked that daily and if she did where did she work. "Oh, you got the paperwork."
"Fuck you and this paper work. We aren't going to court and you will be able to see Mercy when she's ready, what is wrong with you?"

Cesar furrowed his brows "What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?! Shes my daughter and you aren't letting me see her!"

"She isn't a toy Cesar, she is a little human that has feelings and that will be confused on to who you are. Yes you have money and power but you have to realize that can only go so far."
She was right, he thought. Cesar realized he can't just play around with this shit. This is real life happening. He is a father and he can't have his baby mamma hating him and his daughter being totally confused around him. "You're right.  You're right! Okay what do you need me to do." Venus lets out a breathe she didn't know she was holding.

"Well we can start off with going to the park, and you'll get to see her and play with her and get to know her."
"I'm free Saturday. Is that good for you?"
"Yeah. Um, let's exchange numbers." They then exchange numbers and while Venus got to put her number in his phone, he got a good glimpse of her. She looked the same but more confident. She stood up to him. She wasn't that naive little girl he once loved, she was more. He was hoping she would grow up to be a complete idiot, someone who looked a mess, someone who was doing terrible without him. Which would helped him dissolve his feelings. But he was wrong.

God he was fucked

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