Chapter 12: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Revelation!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Our sexy soldier

Video: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith

Dedicated to MzMotown & the squad...Ana, Jackie, Bim, Rose (keep up the good work ladies. XOXO)

Merry Christmas y'all!


Deloris hugged Stan and then reached up to cup his cheeks in her warm palms. "I have missed you."

"Same here, Del." Stan leaned in and kissed the over century-year-old warlock on the cheek.

"Now tell me about this emergency that you claim to have on your hands." She smiled.

Stan couldn't help but return the sweet smile of the powerful warlock. As an elder of their clan, she treated all of them like her children. Even though she was over a century years old, she looked like someone in her fifties thanks to all those spells which delayed her aging. Deloris was known for her expertise when it came to spells. Her potent spells were so legendary she was known amongst the warlock community as Del-the-Spell. If anyone could help Stan, it was Deloris.

They were standing outside, by his car. When she'd called to say she was outside the house, Stan had told Will that he was going to look for his missing bracelet in his car. Will would therefore not be suspicious if he stayed outside for a while.

"There's a ghost in that house." Stan blurted out.


"My mate's dead mother is gallivanting around, preventing him from getting any sleep."

"Gallivanting," Deloris chuckled. "Did he tell you that? That she was haunting him?"

"He doesn't know but my wolf saw her in the living room this dawn."

"And what was your wolf doing in there?"

"Trying to introduce us to my mate."

"Introduce you?" She frowned. "I thought he already knew him as" Deloris couldn't suppress the amused chuckle that escaped her.

Stan groaned. "Not you too, Del. I wanted to tell him about me. But he doesn't believe that the supernatural even exists so I thought I'd show him the wolf first...which would have shocked and excited him. Then shift back and tell him everything."

"What a plan. I guess you rather got the shock."

"Yep. He told me that he's unable to sleep because anytime he drifts off he sees his mother in his dream, trying to tell him something."

"Oh, those ones." Deloris laughed softly. "She will never leave until she says whatever she has to say. But did he say he sees her anytime he sleeps?"

"That's what he said. He didn't dream at all when we slept together during the day yesterday though." Stan grinned when he saw Deloris raise an eyebrow. "All we did was sleep."

"I never said otherwise." She said smoothly. She had been with werewolves for a greater part of her life so she knew they were lustful creatures. She was used to it. "This is no ordinary ghost. She's too consistent to be an ordinary one."

"How do you mean? What is she?"

"I'll know when I speak to her," Deloris murmured. "To give her son some peace and also free her, she needs to talk to him. So I'll help."

"How do you suggest we do this? Will is not asleep." Stan combed his fingers through his hair in agitation. "He'll want to know who you are and wonder what you're doing here and I won't know what to say."

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