Chapter 15: A perfect balance of danger and charm...I Do!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Sexi Stan

Video: You Are the Reason by Calum Scott

Dedicated to: penguincupid

Hope y'all had a great Val's Day



Will stretched and yawned as he opened his eyes. For a moment he wondered where he was. A raspy laugh escaped him when he remembered. He was in Stan's suite at the pack house. The night before had been intense. Damn, the werewolves could party, he thought as he turned to look on Stan's side of the bed. Stan wasn't in the bed beside him. And from the quietness of the suite, it was obvious that his mate wasn't in the suite.

Will sat up and looked at the bedside clock. It was a little past eleven a.m. He wasn't surprised he'd slept for that long. They'd gotten back from Pawz around four a.m. He'd just flopped into bed without stripping and gone to sleep. Obviously, Stan had stripped him. After all the dancing, eating, and drinking they'd done at Pawz, he wasn't surprised he'd been that bushed. It had been fun. Even Ryan, who according to the others was very reserved and hardly joined them on their escapades, seemed to be in high spirits. He'd danced, had tequila shots, and even sang at the karaoke section to the delight of the others.

"I'm just so happy that Stan has found his mate." Ryan had beamed when Amber had expressed shock. "And I'm even more thrilled that he's so smitten with him." That had cracked everyone up and made Stan groaned.

A lady doctor called Camille who was the only child of Deloris had also joined them at Pawz. She was a fun-loving person who Will had enjoyed dancing with. It had indeed been great to hang out with the pack.

Will got off the bed and went to draw the blinds. Then he checked his phone for messages. Of course, he read Stan's first. And he couldn't stifle his laughter when he saw a picture of his sleeping face.


Hey sleepyhead,

See those succulent lips?

I'm so tempted to kiss the hell out of them but I don't wanna disturb your sleep.

Gotta go see to a problem.

Will be back hopefully soon.

Let me know when you're ready for breakfast/lunch.

Missing you already.

Will was grinning like a simpleton by the time he was done reading Stan's messages. He sat on the bed and began to type.


Is it all werewolves who are creepy or just you?

Can't believe you took a picture.

You should have sent yours too.

I miss you more

Just woke up.

Is it the rogue problem or something else?

Will's breath hitched in his throat and his fingers paused when a picture of Stan popped up. His shirtless, sexy, toned body was covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. That body was nothing short of a work of art, Will thought as he took in the enticingly wicked glint in Stan's eyes. And that smile... Will never thought he'd be able to understand what sexy was when it came to a guy until he met Stan. Hell, he had never dreamt it was even possible to feel the kind of emotion he was feeling that very moment for another man.

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