Chapter 11: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Missing you!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: The sexii Werewolf

Video: U Make Me Wanna by Blue

Dedicated to JosephineOsi



Three days after Will left the shores of Ghana, his mother was buried in a quiet and solemn ceremony. Sharon, his sister, was a wreck. Will on the other hand had a stoic look about him. He'd remained withdrawn since he got back home. He wasn't speaking much and always seemed preoccupied which certainly wasn't like him. The people gathered were in fact, surprised when he stood to give a eulogy. Will didn't read his eulogy but rather spoke from the heart in a low, sad voice. The look of pain, love, and grief in his exhausted eyes as he gave a touching eulogy was so heartbreaking it brought tears to people's eyes.

Will's military buddies flanked him and Sharon during the ceremony. Ty, his fellow Arrowhead and immediate supervisor, was so worried he remained beside Will throughout. The graveside service was short and even more solemn. Unlike Sharon who sobbed throughout the ceremony, Will neither made a sound nor shed a tear. He just looked lost which somehow, seemed to worry his sister even more. Although Will stood still like a confused zombie throughout the ceremony, he couldn't remain still when the remains were being lowered into the grave. A small involuntary sound escaped his lips as he swayed slightly. But for Ty's hand which shot out quickly to hold the soldier steady, he might have fallen. And that hand remained casually around Will's neck until the end of the ceremony.

For Will, the grief within was overwhelming. He kept telling himself to wake up from the terrible dream that was unfolding. He blocked his mind to what the priest was saying and just stood there staring. At a point, he saw a beautiful wreath with Stan's name on it and wished he were there beside him. Stan had a way of making him feel better. Yes, he'd fucked up with that nonsensical bite and idiotic knockout but he was the best. If only he could cuddle against him like he loved to do... Or better still, snuggle up against his wolf... Will would have given anything to be in Achiase with his wolf and his man that very moment because he knew that those two would have somehow helped him deal with his pain better.

After the graveside service, the guests were asked to meet for the reception at the residence of Mrs. Williams, Will's mother. Those who didn't think they could make it to the house waited to wish Will and Sharon well before leaving. Amongst those people were two males and a female who looked very familiar to Will. His eyes widened in surprise as he watched them approach. The dark-skinned man was Jeremy and the Caucasian was Philip. Then there was Paige who looked even more striking in person. There was a fourth person. An elderly lady who looked a lot like Jeremy. She was absolutely beautiful.

"Mama G." Will breathed the moment the four stopped before him.

"Hello, Will." Gloria, Jeremy's mother smiled. "I wish we were meeting under pleasant circumstances. Come here." She opened her arms and gave Will a warm hug. "Be strong," she whispered.

"Thank you." Will stepped back and then hugged Paige. Then he shook the hands of Jeremy and Philip. "Your presence means a lot."

Back at the house, Will was surprised at the setup he met. He'd thought it was going to be the usual family affair with finger foods in the living room but it wasn't so at all. On his mother's beautifully decorated lawn were two separate buffet tables. One had an array of dishes whilst the other was a finger-food, desserts, and 'make it yourself sandwich' buffet. Will could also see an entire setup of assorted drinks with smartly dressed waiters ensuring every glass was filled. Country music, which was his mother's favourite, played coolly in the background whilst the guests, made up of family, friends, neighbours, and work colleagues, helped themselves to the scrumptious array of food. It was indeed a lovely set-up.

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