Chapter 9: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Just Do It!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Sexy Will

Video: Do I Make You Proud by Taylor Hicks

Dedicated to ocharo

Apologies for the delay folks. Around this time of the year, work usually keeps me so busy I hardly get time for anything else. So kindly forgive this and many more delays that are going to come lol.



"...are you a werewolf?"

Stan froze. But within, a myriad of reactions was going on. He felt a clenching sensation in his chest which intensified by the second. At the same time, it felt as though he was on an airplane or an elevator, descending at high speed. For a moment, he couldn't breathe. He stared at Will.

"Did you hear me?" Will asked, his expression, impassive. "Are you a werewolf?"

Stan finally let out the breath he wasn't even aware he'd been holding and then shut the door. He focused on a spot behind Will, unable to meet that gaze that demanded nothing but the truth. Shit! What was he supposed to say, he thought almost frantically. Just in case you can't feel it, I'm doing the happy dance, he heard his wolf's amused chuckle inside him and felt like growling. Will had never wished he could give his wolf the finger as much as he did that very moment. He also wished he could wrap his hands around the delicate neck of that unrelenting vampire. Fucking hell! There was no way he could tell the truth. Not today, he told himself. He took a deep breath and then locked gazes with Will.

"Yes." He sounded as though he was being strangled.

"I see." Will's expression didn't change. Stan would have given anything to be able to read his mate's thoughts that very moment. "And you change on every full moon." It wasn't a question.

"I shift anytime I want to," Stan said quietly and watched as Will nodded.

"Do you harm humans when you chan...shift?"

"No, I don't."

"What do you do when you shift then?"

Stan went quiet for a moment. Then he shrugged. "I run and I hunt...animals."

"What's your favourite prey?" Will started moving towards Stan.

"I don't really mind. They're all tasty."

Will was standing right before Stan. "So you have super-human strength huh?" He reached up to cup Stan's face.

"Yes." It was a shaky whisper. The exhilaration he felt at having to answer such questions for none other than Will, and the warmth he felt from Will being that close was sending his brain into a lustful mush.

Will pushed Stan back until his back hit the door, the look in his eyes cocky, roguish...almost animalistic. Stan's body and senses responded to that. He wanted his mate like never before. When he saw Will's face coming closer to his, his lips parted and his breathing became laboured.

"You're so wishing," Will whispered just before his hungry mouth slanted over Stan's. He set Stan's body ablaze with that kiss.

Will's tongue teased and possessed. Stan didn't have any choice but to go where the sensations propelled him. He ground himself against Will, knowing he shouldn't but unable to stop. He couldn't think beyond the kiss. He didn't want Will to stop...ever. He groaned his protest when Will's mouth left his. But it was only to murmur;

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