Chapter 10: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Daybreak!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: Guess who...

Video: Broken-Hearted Girl by Beyoncé

Dedicated to iamshootingyall91



"I didn't catch that, honey." Gaia sat up. "Who did you bite?"

"Well, if you could just get off that dick for a second, maybe you can concentrate on what I'm saying," Stan growled. "I bit Will."

"Oh, fuck! You mean you've turned him?" The sexy vampire jumped out of bed and began to pull on her clothes.

"I didn't get that far. But he's hurt. Need help."

"I'll be right there." Gaia hung up and gasped as hands pulled her back onto the bed from behind. "Kwame, stop." She laughed softly, turning to plant a kiss on the very naked vampire in the bed. "Gotta go."

"The deal was to stay in this bed till noon," he murmured against her lips. "Where do you think you're going."

"Gotta go help Stan." Gaia got out of bed. "I think there's an issue with Will."

"Will?" Kwame sat up. "I hope he's alright." He rubbed his eyes.

"Just a bite that needs to heal that's all."

"Stan bit him?" Kwame's eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm surprised too. I don't know how it happened. Unless... Oh shit!" Gaia went still. It was almost as if a light bulb had gone off in her head. "They must have been fucking. That's the only way Stan would have lost control. That insistent fool!" She grabbed her shoes.

"Who? Stan?"

"No, Will." Gaia sighed. "I know Stan would never have initiated a fuck. It was all Will."

"You think so?"

"I know so. I've told you Stan has been keeping everything PG13 so far to Will's frustration, remember? Will must have gone full throttle to get Stan to cave. Shit!"

"Well fuck!" Kwame chuckle. "I hope this has got nothing to do with me pushing him a thought to have fun."

"What?" Gaia's head snapped back to look at Kwame.

"At the party...I gave him a slight compul..."

"You what!" Gaia screeched, jumping back onto the bed with wild eyes. "Who the fuck asked you to compel him? What did you say? Oh my god, Stan is going to kill you. He hates..."

"Hey, relax." Kwame reached out to cup Gaia's face. "It wasn't even a full-blown compulsion, Gaia. All I did was tell him to forget about his worries for the night and have fun. That's all."

"So that's why he began that all you said? Think!"

"That was pretty much all I said."

"Dammit, Kwame! I told you to leave him alone." Gaia groaned.

"I know." Kwame sighed. "But having fun never hurt anyone."

"You're right. It's just that for some reason, Stan hates the idea of compelling Will in any way."

"I'm sorry but that small push was for him to have fun at the party and nothing else."

"Ever heard of proximate cause?" Gaia was done dressing up. She grabbed her phone and purse. "I've wasted enough time as it is. I won't waste any more by getting on a ride. See you later." She leaned in to give Kwame a quick kiss.

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