Chapter 19: A perfect balance of danger and charm...Blissful Mission!

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Stanley 'STAN' Norris vs. Ian 'WILL' Williams

Pix: the Sexi Stan

Video: Stuck With U by Ariana Grande ft. Justine Bieber

Dedicated to: SkyAzulLopez



"The contract ended when I handed over that file to them, Miguel," Jaxon Spencer growled into the phone.

"I know," Came the hushed voice of the crook who accepted contracts on his behalf. "But they need your expertise on this, J.S. They're going to pay you double of what they paid for the file."

Jaxon's eyes went wide in shock even as he drawled dryly, "Is that supposed to make me jump for joy?" he sounded almost bored. "And why are you whispering?"

"They're here," the self-appointed agent/manager whispered. "Erh...hold on. Someone wants to speak to you."

"We need you to do some additional work for us," A raspy arrogant voice said on the other end.

"If you want my services, you know what to do." Jaxon yawned.

"We are prepared to pay double."

"That's peanuts."

"What!" the voice screeched so loudly Jaxon drew away from his phone. "Are you being serious right now?"

"Like a heart attack," Jaxon drawled.

"Bastard!" the man murmured. "How about we get real for a second."

"How's this for realness... Call me back when you have a better offer." Jaxon hung up and allowed a naughty grin to widen his lips.

Jaxon Spencer had studied people and knew how to get his way. He knew that the desperate criminals who had hired his services were going to call back. He could tell they were desperate. He wasn't surprised at the idiot's shocked reaction though. What he'd taken for that first job had been very high. Double of that was therefore definitely a killer. But when people got desperate, they were usually ready to pay anything so he planned on milking the shit out of them. When his phone started to buzz, Jaxon shook his head in disgust.

"Humans!" He relaxed into his seat and picked up. "Hit me."

"Three times," The voice said.

"Five," Jaxon responded smoothly and had to stifle his laughter when the criminal started to cuss in the most colourful diction.

"Deal," he finally barked after his cussing.

"Good," Jaxon breathed. "You know what to do."

"Half is being wired into your account this very moment, you asshole."

"Hmmm..." Jaxon stared at the screen of his laptop, waiting... "Great." He sat up when he saw an alert pop up on his screen. The zeros brought a grin to his face. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Someone is in the process of decrypting the file that you stole." Raspy-voiced criminal spoke urgently. "There's a manhunt for us and the fool we kidnapped even as I speak. You are to make sure he's not found until his work is done."

"Where is he?"

"I will send you the address. What?" the man seemed to be speaking to someone else. Then, "hold for my boss." The criminal's voice was replaced by another.

"For that shitload of cash, you better get that shit decoded by close of day tomorrow." The angry voice on the other end snarled.

"Hold the fuck on." Jaxon actually sounded amused. "I can't be held responsible for how someone's brain works."

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